Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 685 di 8793       

Berchtold, Alfred
Bale et l'Europe - une histoire culturelle / Alfred Berchtold
Lausanne - Payot, c 1990
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Berchtold, Alfred
Jean Charles Léonard Sismondi - citoyen de Chêne, genevois et européen / Alfred Berchtold et Leïla El-Wakil
Chêne-Bougeries - Editions Chênoises, 1991
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Berciu, Dumitru
Daco-Romania / Dumitru Berciu ; collaboratore- Bucur Mitrea, cap. II/2, III/3, VII, VIII/3 ; traduzione di Barbara Tosi
Roma (etc.) - Nagel, 1976
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Berckenmeyer, Paul Ludolph
Neu-vermehrter Curieuser Antiquarius, das ist- Allerhand auserlesene Geographische und Historische Merckwurdigkeiten, so in dene Europaischen Landern zu finden ... von P. L. Berckenmeyern
Hamburg - bey Johann Christian Herold, 1746
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Berckmans, P.
Consultation on technology in flanders / by P. Berckmans
Dublin - Euro pean federation for the improvement of living and working conditions, 1990
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Berckmans, Paul
Prospects for anthropocentric production systems in Belgium / Paul Berckmans and Erwin Eysackers ; EC, Commission ; Institut Arbeit und Technik
Bruxelles - EC, 1990
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Bercusson, Brian
Analyse d'accords innovateurs / Brian Bercusson
Dublin - Fondation Europeenne pour l'amelioration des conditions de vie et de travail, 2000
Incluso in > Egalite des chances et negociations collectives dans l'Union europeenne
Testo Monografico

Bercusson, Brian
2- Collective bargaining in Europe and the UK / by Brian Bercusson
London - The institute of employment rights, 1994
Incluso in > Working time in Britain - towards a Europen model / by Brian Bercusson
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Bercusson, Brian
1- Defining the issues / Brian Bercusson and Linda Dickens
Dublin - Europen foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions, 1996
Incluso in > Equal opportunities and collective bargaining in the European Union
Testo Monografico

Bercusson, Brian
1- Définitions des thèmes / Brian Bercusson et Linda Dickens
Luxembourg - Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1996
Incluso in > Egalite des chances et negociations collectives dans l'Union europeenne
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Bercusson, Brian
European labour law / Brian Bercusson
London etc. - Butterworths, 1996
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Bercusson, Brian
European labour law / Brian Bercusson
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University press, 2009
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Bercusson, Brian
1- The European union directive / by Brian Bercusson
London - The Institute of employment rights, 1994
Incluso in > Working time in Britain - towards a Europen model / by Brian Bercusson
Testo Monografico

Bercusson, Brian
European works councils - extending the trade union role / by Brian Bercusson
London - The Institute of Employment Rights, 1997
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Bercusson, Brian
3- Innovative agreements - an analysis / part 1.- Brian Bercusson ; part 2.- Brian Bercusson (and) Anni Weiler
Ireland - European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions, 1999
Incluso in > Equal opportunities and collective bargaining in the European Union
Testo Monografico