Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Film (A-HOM) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 418
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600


Batman - Il mistero di Batwoman / based on the DC Comics characters Batman created by Bob Kane ; producer Margaret M. Dean ; music by Lolita Ritmans ; story by Alan Burnett ; Written by Michael Reaves ; produced and directed by Curt Geda
Italia - Warner home video, 2003

Batman / directed by Tim Burton ; songs by Prince ; music score by Danny Elfman ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; screenplay by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren
(Milano - Warner home video (distributore , c2005

Batman / (a Tim Burton film ; Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger ; music score by Danny Elfman ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; screenplay by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren)
Miilano - Mondadori (distributore), c2005

Batman - Il ritorno / directed by Tim Burton ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; music by Danny Elfman
Italia - Warner home video (distributore , c2005
File elettronico

Batman / directed by Tim Burton ; screenplay by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren ; story Sam Hamm ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; music score by Danny Elfman ; songs by Prince
(Segrate) - Mondadori, c2008

Batman / directed by Tim Burton ; story by Sam Hamm ; screenplay by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; music score by Danny Elfman ; songs by Prince
(Milano) - RBA, c2009

Batman / directed by Tim Burton ; screenplay by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; music score by Danny Elfman
Milano - Warner home video, c2009

Batman & Robin / directed by Joel Schumacher ; music composed by Elliot Goldenthal ; written by Akiva Goldsman
(Great Britain) - Warner Home video, c1997

Batman & Robin / directed by Joel Schumacher ; music composed by Elliot Goldenthal ; director of photography Stephen Goldblatt ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; written by Akiva Goldsman
(Torino) - La Stampa, c1998

Batman & Robin / directed by Joel Schumacher ; music composed by Elliott Goldenthal ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane and photographed by Dc Comics ; written by Akiva Goldsman
(Milano) - Warner Home Video (distributore), c1998

Batman & Robin / directed by Joel Schumacher ; music composed by Elliot Goldenthal ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; written by Akiva Goldsman
(Milano) - Warner Home video, c1998

Batman & Robin / music composed by Elliot Goldenthal ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; written by Akiva Goldsman ; directed by Joel Schumacher
(Milano) - Warner Home video, c1998

Batman & Robin / directed by Joel Schumacher ; music composed by Elliot Goldenthal ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane
(Milano) - Warner Home Video (distributore), c2005

Batman & Robin / (interpreti)- Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney, Chris O'Donnell, Uma Thurman, Alicia Silverstone ; (a Joel Schumacher film ; music composed by Elliot Goldenthal ; director of photography Stephen Goldblatt ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; written by Akiva Goldsman)
Milano - Panorama, c2005

Batman & Robin / directed by Joel Schumacher ; music composed by Elliot Goldenthal ; visual effects by John Dykstra ; edited by Dennis Virkler ; production designer Barbara Ling ; director of photography Stephen Goldblatt ; based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane ; written by Akiva Goldsman ; produced by Peter Macgregor Scott
(Milano - Mondadori, 2009)

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