Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Geografia

Pagina nr. 4774 di 8479       

Fletcher, Banister F.
A history of architecture on the comparative method - for students, craftsmen & amateurs / by Banister Fletcher
London - B. T. Batsford, 1950
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Fletcher, Banister F.
Sir Banister Fletcher's A history of architecture /edited by John Musgrove ; consultant editors- John Tarn, Peter Willis ; assistant editor- Jane Farron
London (etc.) - Butterworths, 1987
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Fletcher, Banister F.
Sir Banister Fletcher's A history of architecture
Oxford - Architectural press, 1996
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Fletcher, Banister F.
Storia dell'architettura secondo il metodo comparativo / Banister Fletcher ; versione italiana e note aggiunte di Adriano Alpago Novello
Milano - A. Martello, stampa 1967
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Fleure, H. J.
An introduction to geography / by H. J. Fleure
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Fleure, Herbert John
Geography- the world and its peoples / H.J. Fleure, Austin Miller, Emyr Estyn-Evans
London - Odhams Pr., 1948
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Fleuriot, Léon
Dictionnairie des gloses en Vieux Breton / Leon Fleuriot
Paris - Libraire Klincksieck, 1964
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Fleury, Claude (1640-1723)
Il picciolo catechismo storico - per uso de fanciulli / dell'abbate Fleury ; preceduto da brevi elementi di storia, cronologia e geografia, e seguito da un saggio geografico e storico sopra la Sicilia
Palermo - G. Pedone Lauriel e C., 1866
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Fleury, Claude (1640-1723)
Il picciolo catechismo storico - per uso de' fanciulli / dell'abbate Fleury ; preceduto da brevi elementi di storia, cronologia e geografia, e seguito da un saggio geografico e storico sopra la Sicilia del sacerdote Domenico Campione
Palermo - presso i fratelli Pedone Lauriel, 1855
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Flick, Gert-Rudolf
Missing masterpieces - lost works of art, 1450-1900 / Gert-Rudolf Flick
London - The British art journal - Merrell, 2003
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Fliedner, Dietrich
Society in space and time - an attempt to provide a Theoretical foundation from an Historical Geographic point a view / Dietrich Fliedner
Saarbrucken - Universitat des Saarlandes, 1981
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Fliedner, Dietrich
Bd. 13- Sozialgeographie / Dietrich Fliedner
, 1993
Incluso in > Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Geographie / begrundet von Erich Obst ; fortgefuhrt von Josef Schmithusen ; Autoren der bisher erschienenen Einzelbande J. Bluthgen ... (et al.)
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Flint, Timothy
The history and geography of the Mississippi Valley - to which is appended a condensed physical geography of the Atlantic United States, and the whole American continent - in two volumes / by Timothy Flint, author of Recollections of the last ten years in the Mississippi Valley
Cincinnati - E. H. Flint ; Boston - Carter, Hendee, and co., (1833?)
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Flint, Timoty
A condensed geography and history of the Western states or the Mississippi valley (1828) / by Timothy Flint ; a facsimile reproduction with an introduction by Bernard Rosenthal
Gainesville (FL) - Scholar's facsimiles & reprints, 1970
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Flint, Valerie Irene Jane
The imaginative landscape of Christopher Columbus / Valerie I. J. Flint
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University press, c1992
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