Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Geografia

Pagina nr. 5235 di 8479       

Gunther, John
Inside Africa / John Gunther
New York - Harper and Brother, ©1955
Testo Monografico

Gunther, John
Oltre la cortina / John Gunther
Milano - Bompiani, 1950
Testo Monografico

Gunther, Kurt K.
Beiträge zur Systematik und geographischen Verbreitung der Rhiptipterygiden (Rhipipterygidae, Tridactyloidea, Saltatoria). 1 / von Kurt K. Günther
Berlin - Akademie-Verlag, 1976
Testo Monografico

Gunther, Paul
Die Rohstoffgruppe Steine und Erden in der deutschen Wirtschaft, geographisch betrachtet - Inaugural-Dissertation ... Universitat Greifswald / vorgelegt von Paul Gunther
Berlin - Schmalfeldt, 1931
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Gunther, Sigmund
Astronomische Geographie / von Siegmund Gunther
Berlin - Leipzig - De Gruyter, 1919
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Gunther, Sigmund
Astronomische geographie / von Siegmund Günther
Leipzig - G. J. Goschen'sche, 1905
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Gunther, Sigmund
Physische geographie / von Siegmund Günther
Leipzig - G. J. Goschen'sche, 1905
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Gunthert, Andre
Storia della fotografia - dalle origini ai nostri giorni / André Gunthert, Michel Poivert ; testi di Nathalie Boulouch ... (ed altri)
Milano - Electa, (2008)
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Gunzenhäuser, Max
Die Pariser Friedenskonferenz 1919 und die Friedensverträge 1919-1920 - Literaturbericht und Bibliographie / von Max Gunzenhäuser
Frankfurt a. M. - Bernard & Graefe, 1970
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Gupta, Das A.
Economic and commercial geogrphy - with a detailed treatment of the Indian Republic and Pakistan / by A. Das Gupta
Calcutta - A. Mukherjee e Co. private, Ltd, 1959
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Gupta, Parmanand
Geographical names in ancient Indian inscriptions / Parmanand Gupta
Delhi - Concept publishing company, ©1977
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Gupta, Parmanand
Geography in ancient Indian inscriptions (up to 650 a.D.) / Parmanand Gupta
Delhi - D. K. Publishing House, 1973
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Gupta, Suschiel K.
Etymologically common hydronyms, toponyms, personal and proper names throughout the Indo-European geographic area / Suschiel K. Gupta
Milton MA - Sverge Haus, 1990
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Gupta, Sushil Kumar
A comparative etymologic lexicon ..., vol. 1- A-
, c1986
Incluso in > A comparative etymologic lexicon of common Indo-Germanisches (Indo-European) words - with discussion of phonological dialectical changes, common-historical, geographical, archaeological, mythologic...
Testo Monografico

Gupta, Sushil Kumar
A comparative etymologic lexicon ..., vol. 2- B-, Bh-
, c1990
Incluso in > A comparative etymologic lexicon of common Indo-Germanisches (Indo-European) words - with discussion of phonological dialectical changes, common-historical, geographical, archaeological, mythologic...
Testo Monografico