Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Geografia

Pagina nr. 6084 di 8479       

Lewis, Martin W.
The myth of continents - a critique of metageography / Martin W. Lewis, Karen E. Wigen
Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London - University of California Press, c1997
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Lewis, Michael Jonathan Taunton
Surveying instruments of Greece and Rome / M. J. T. Lewis
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2001
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Lewis, Miles
Melbourne - the citys history and development / Miles Lewis
Melbourne - City of Melbourne, c1995
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Lewis, Norman
Un impero dell'Est - viaggi in Indonesia / Norman Lewis
Milano - Feltrinelli traveller, 1994
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Lewis, Richard S.
Space in the 21. century / Richard S. Lewis
New York - Columbia University Press, copyr. 1990
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Lewis, Simon
Pechino e Shanghai / Simon Lewis
Milano - Vallardi, (2008)
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Lewis-Robinson, J.
British Columbia / edited by J. Lewis-Robinson
Toronto - University of Toronto Press, 1972
Incluso in > Studies in Canadian geography / edited by Louis Trotier
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Lewy, Julius
Studies in the historic geography of the ancient near east / Julius Lewy
Roma - Pontificium institutum biblicum, 1952
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Ley, David
Geography without man - a humanistic critique / David Ley
Oxford - School of geography, 1980
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Ley, David
A social geography of the city / David Ley
New York - Harper & Row, c1983
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Leyden, Friedrich
Gross - Berlin - Geographie der Weltstadt / von Friedrich Leyden
Breslau - Ferdinand Hirt, 1933
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Leygonie, D.
Recueil des sujets de geographie - proposees au C.A.P.E.S. (histoire et geographie) / D. Leygonie
Paris - Centre de documentation universitaire et S.E.D.E.S. reunis, 1966
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Leygonie, D.
Recueil des sujets de geographie - proposes aux Agregations de geographie, d'histoire et d'histoire et geographie / D. Leygonie
Paris - Centre de documentation universitaire et S.E.D.E.S. reunis, 1965
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Leyshon, Andrew
Money/space - geographies of monetary transformation / Andrew Leyshon and Nigel Thrift
London ; New York - Routledge, 1997
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Leyshon, Andrew
The sage handbook of economic geography / Edited by Andrew Leyshon, Roger Lee, Linda McDowell and Peter Sunley
Los Angeles (ed altri) - SAGE, 2011
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