Pagina nr. 1681 di 2119 |
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Hitopadesas, id est Institutio salutaris. Textum codd. mss. collatis recensuerunt ... Augustus Guilelmus a Schlegel et Christianus Lassen Bonnae ad Rhenum - prostat apud Eduardum Weber bibliopolam bonnensem, 1829-1831 (Ex officina typographica C.F. Thormanni) Testo Monografico Narayana Hitopadesas, id est Institutio salutaris. Textum codd. mss. collatis recensuerunt ... Augustus Guilelmus a Schlegel et Christianus Lassen Bonnae ad Rhenum - Weber, 1829-1831 Testo Monografico Oates, Edmond W. Traité d'arithmétique commerciale et de la tenue des livres en parties simples et doubles - avec un abrége pour faciliter la méthode des comptes courants à l'usage des Écoles tecniques et commerciales / par Edmond W. Oates Naples - Impr. de N. Jovene, 1874 Testo Monografico Oberlander, Richard Australien - Geschichte der Entdeckung und Kolonisation - Bilder aus dem Leben der Ansiedler in Busch und Stadt / Richard Oberländer ; Ursprunglich herausgegeben von Fr. Christmann Leipzig - O. Spamer, 1880 Testo Monografico Obermann, Rodolfo Manuale di ginnastica educativa secondo il sistema di Rodolfo Obermann / pubblicato dalla Società ginnastica di Torino per incarico del Ministero dell'Istruzione pubblica Torino (etc.) - Stamperia Reale di G. B. Paravia e Comp., 1875 Testo Monografico Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) April-song with or without chorus / words from songs of spring Elde Darby ; composed for voice and piano by Ch.les Oberthur London - Schott, °18.. Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) 6- The dance of the leaves - duet / words by Eleanor Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür London - Wessel, °18.. Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) 1- First love - op. 74 / words by Eleanor Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür London - Wessel, °18.. Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) 3- May song - (duet) / words by Eleanor Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür London - Wessel, °18.. Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) 7- Music and moonlight - op. 75 / words by Elde Darby ; music by Charles Oberthür London - Wessel, °18.. Incluso in > Lays of the seasons - sixteen descriptive songs and duets for voices and piano / the poetry by Elde Darby ; the music composed by Charles Oberthur Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) O were my love the fresh red rose / composed by C. Oberthur ; rendered into English from the German by Eleanor Darby London - Boosey, °18.. Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) Reiterlied - trooper's song / translated from the German of G. Herwegh by C. Darby ; composed for voice and piano by Ch.les Oberthür London - Schott, °18.. Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) Romance Peering o'er the hill of the operatha The spirit of the hartz / the words by Elde Darby ; the music by Ch.les Oberthür London - Schott, °18.. Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) The rose and the heart - song for mezzo soprano (or barytone) and piano, op. 124 / dedicated to Augustine Sargood by Charles Oberthür London - Wessel, °18.. Musica (stampa) Oberthür, Charles (1819-1895) The sailors invitation - song for voice and piano, op. 40 / composed and dedicated to mr. F. Kingsbury by Charles Oberthür London - Schott, °18.. Musica (stampa) |