Pagina nr. 19 di 3286 |
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Halle - Max Niemeyer, 1888 Incluso in > Zwinglis Theologie - ihr Werden und ihr System / dargestellt von August Baur Testo Monografico 2 / begonnen von dr. L. Koch ; fortgesetz und beendet von Graf E. Keyserling Nürnberg - Bauer & Raspe, 1884-1889 Incluso in > Die Arachniden australiens nach der Natur beschrieben und abgebildet / von dr. L. Koch Testo Monografico 2 / Ben Jonson London - Chatto and Windus, (1888) Incluso in > The works of Ben Jonson - with notes, critical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir by William Gifford ; edited by Francis Cunningham Testo Monografico 2 / Bernardino Castaldi Roma - A. Marini, (18..) Incluso in > Errori che degradano e verita che consolano - eloquenza sacra / Bernardino Castaldi Testo Monografico 2 / by A. Gallenga London - Chapman and Hall, 1887 Incluso in > Italy, present and future / by A. Gallenga Testo Monografico 2 / by Alpheus Todd London - Longmans, Green, 1889 Incluso in > On parliamentary government in England - its origin, development, and practical operation / by Alpheus Todd Testo Monografico 2 / by Andrew Lang London - Longmans, 1887 Incluso in > Myth, ritual, and religion / by Andrew Lang Testo Monografico 2 / by Edward Barrington De Fonblanque London - printed by R. Clay, 1887 Incluso in > Annals of the house of Percy - from the Conquest to the opening of the nineteenth century / by Edward Barrington De Fonblanque Testo Monografico 2 / by Edward Kriens Rudolstadt - printed for the Author by H. Stroh's nachfolger, 1887 Incluso in > Prince Bismarck / by Edward Kriens Testo Monografico 2 / by G. S. Boulger ; with coloured plates by W. H. J. Boot London etc. - Cassell, 1888 Incluso in > Familiar trees / by G. S. Boulger ; with coloured plates by W. H. J. Boot Testo Monografico 2 / by H.N. Hudson Boston - Ginn & C., 1886 Incluso in > Shakespeare - his life, art, and characters - with an historical sketch of the origin and growth of the drama in England / by H.N. Hudson Testo Monografico 2 / by Henry Alleyne Nicholson and Richard Lydekker Edinburgh and London - W. Blackwood, 1889 Incluso in > A manual of palaeontology for the use of students - with a general introduction on the principles of palaeontology / by Henry Alleyne Nicholson and Richard Lydekker Testo Monografico 2 / by Ignatius Donnelly London - Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1888 Incluso in > The great cryptogram - Francis Bacon's in the so called Shakespeare plays / by Ignatius Donnelly Testo Monografico 2 / by John Cordy Jeaffreson London - Hurst and Blackett, 1889 Incluso in > The Queen of Naples and Lord Nelson - an historical biography based on mss. in the British Museum and on letters and other documents preserved amongst the Morrison mss. / by John Cordy Jeaffreson Testo Monografico 2 / by John Lothrop Motley London - Warne, (18..) Incluso in > The rise of the Dutch Republic - a history / by John Lothrop Motley Testo Monografico |