Pagina nr. 2248 di 2293 |
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Pieta / with an introduction by W. Vogelsang London - Longmans, Green & Co., 1949 Testo Monografico Weyden, Rogier - van der Rogier van Der Weyden - paintings from the Escorial and the Prado Museum / introduction by Walter Ueberwasser London - B. T. Batsford, (1947 Testo Monografico Weyl, Alfred Richard Missili guidati / A. R. Weyl ; (versione del Prof. Paolo Angelino) Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, stampa 1942 Testo Monografico Wharton, Edith I ragazzi - romanzo / di Edith Wharton ; traduzione di Lucilla Jervis Rochat Torino - C. Frassinelli, 1945 Testo Monografico Wheare, Kenneth Clinton Del governo federale / Kenneth C. Wheare ; trad. di Sergio Cotta Milano - Edizioni di Comunità, 1949 Testo Monografico Wheeler, Harold The miracle of man - a survey of humanity's upward march through the ages / Harold Wheeler London - Odham Press, 1946 Testo Monografico Wheeler, Monroe Modern drawings / edited by Monroe Wheeler New York - Museum of Modern Art, 1947 Testo Monografico Wheeler, Monroe Modern painters and sculptors as illusstrators / by Monroe Wheeler New York - The Museum of modern art, 1946 Testo Monografico Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer Civilizations of the Indus valley and beyond / Mortimer Wheeler London - Thames and Hudson, ©1966 Testo Monografico Whelan, Russell The flying tigers - the story of the american volunteer group / Russell Whelan New York - Garden, 1944 Testo Monografico Whitaker Scalia, Tina Sicilia e Inghilterra - ricordi politici - la vita degli esuli italiani in Inghilterra - (1848-1870) / Tina Whitaker Scalia ; con una premessa di Biagio Pace Mazara - Societa editrice siciliana, 1948 Testo Monografico Whitcomb, W. O. The grain inspection laboratory - twenty-five years' service to Montana / W. O. Whitcomb Bozeman - Montana State College agricultural experiment station, 1941 Testo Monografico The White House Conference on rural education (1944 ; Washington) The White House Conference on rural education - October 3-4 and 5, 1944 / called, planned and directed by the Divisions of Field Service and legislation and Federal relations of the National education association of the United States Washington - National education association of the United States, 1945 Testo Monografico White, Anne Terry Lost worlds - the romance of archeology / Anne Terry White New York - Random House, 1941 Testo Monografico White, Charles D. Camps and cottage - how to build them / Charles D. White New York - Thomas Y. Crowell, 1948 Testo Monografico |