(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Matematica |
Pagina nr. 2007 di 3515 |
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Hermann Weyl und die Mathematiker an der ETH Zurich - 1913-1930 / Gunther Frei, Urs Stammbach Basel etc. - Birkhauser, 1992 Testo Monografico Freidlin, Mark I. Random perturbations of Hamiltonian systems / Mark I. Freidlin, Alexander D. Wentzell Providence, R. I. - American mathematical society, c1994 Testo Monografico Freidlin, Mark Iosifovich Random perturbations of dynamical systems / M. I. Freidlin, A. D. Wentzell ; translated by Joseph Szucs New York etc. - Springer, c1998 Testo Monografico Freixa Pedrals, Enrique La impopularidad de las matematicas / por Enrique Freixa Pedrals Barcelona - (s.n.), 1949 Testo Monografico Freixas, Xavier Microeconomics of banking / Xavier Freixas, Jean-Charles Rochet Cambridge, MA ; London - MIT press, 1997 Testo Monografico French German encounter in mathematics and physics (2. ; 1983 ; Marsiglia) Stochastic aspects of classical and quantum systems - proceedings of the 2. French-German encounter in mathematics and physics, held in Marseille, France, March 28-April 1, 1983 / edited by S. Albeverio, Ph. Combe and M. Sirugue-Collin Berlin etc. - Springer, 1985 Testo Monografico French, Simon Sequencing and scheduling - an introduction to the mathematics of the job-shop / Simon French New York etc. - E. Horwood, 1982 Testo Monografico French-German colloquium on optimization (6 ; 1991 ; Lambrecht) Advances in optimization - proceedings of the 6. French-German colloquium on optimization held at Lambrecht, FRG, June 2-8, 1991 / W. Oettli, D. Pallaschke, eds Berlin etc. - Springer, c1992 Testo Monografico French-German conference on optimization (7. ; 1994 ; Digione) Recent developments in optimization - seventh French-German conference on optimization / Roland Durier, Christian Michelot, eds Berlin etc. - Springer, c1995 Testo Monografico French-German conference on optimization (8. ; 1996 ; Trier) Recent advances in optimization - proceedings of the 8. French-German conference on optimization - Trier, July 21-26, 1996 / Peter Gritzmann ... ed altri eds Berlin etc. - Springer, 1997 Testo Monografico Frenet, Frederic Recueil d'exercices sur le calcul infinitesimal - ouvrage destine aux candidats a l'ecole polytechnique et a l'ecole normale, aux eleves de ces ecoles, et aux personnes qui se preparent a la licence en sciences mathematiques / par M. F. Frenet Paris - Gauthier-Villars, 1873 Testo Monografico Frenkel, Daan Understanding molecular simulation - from algorithms to applications / Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit San Diego etc. - Academic press, c1996 Testo Monografico Frenkel, Daan Understanding molecular simulation - from algorithms to applications / Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit San Diego (etc.) - Academic press, (2002) Testo Monografico Frenkel, Edward Amore e matematica - il cuore della realtà nascosta / Edward Frenkel Torino - Codice ; Roma - Le Scienze, (2014) Testo Monografico Frenkel, Igor On axiomatic approaches to vertex operator algebras and modules / Igor B. Frenkel, Yi-Zhi Huang, James Lepowsky Providence, R.I - American Mathematical Society, 1993 Incluso in > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Testo Monografico |