Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
New York (keyword)

Pagina nr. 578
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1492


( Stevenson speaks - Adlai Stevenson, American ambassador to the United nations ... )
New York - Associated press, 1962
Documento di tipo grafico

( Stevenson visits Spellman)
New York - Associated press photo, 1952
Documento di tipo grafico

Stewart to wed - Hollywood- actor James Stewart and Gloria Mclean ..
New York city - ACME newspictures, 1949
Documento di tipo grafico

( Still on the rack)
New York - Acme newspictures, 1949
Documento di tipo grafico

Stochastic differential equations - (proceedings of a symposium in applied mathematics of the American mathematical society and the Society for industrial and applied mathematics, held in New York City, March 29-30, 1972 / edited by Joseph B. Keller, Henry P. McKean
Providence - American Mathematical Society, c1973
Testo Monografico

Stochastic games and applications / edited by Abraham Neyman and Sylvain Sorin
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer, published in cooperation with NATO scientific affairs division, ©2003
Testo Monografico

Stochastic processes in astrophysics / edited by J. Robert Buchler and Henry E. Kandrup
New York, NY - The New York academy of sciences, 1993
Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences
Testo Monografico

Stochastic processes in mathematical physics and engineering / (Richard Bellman editor)
Providence - American mathematical society, 1964
Testo Monografico

Stocks, bonds, options, futures - investments and their markets / The staff of New York Institute of Finance ; edited by Stuart R. Veale
New York - New YorkInstitute of Finance, c1987
Testo Monografico

Stomp - l'evento che ha gią fatto epoca a New York, Roma, Londra e Tokio / concezione e regia Luke Cresswell e Steve McNicholas
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 19..)
Testo Monografico

Stone sculpture from Mexico - summer 1959 / The museum of primitive art
New York - The museum of primitive art, c1959
Testo Monografico

(A storm did it)
New York - Wide world photos, 1939
Documento di tipo grafico

The story of glass. - Oxford - Reed interactive, 1995. - 1 CD-ROM - son., color. ; 12 cm + 1 inserto illustrativo ' Requisiti del sistema per Windows- MPC Level 2 PC 486sx 25 Mhz o compatibile; 4 MB RAM (8 raccomandati); MS-DOS 5.0 o superiore; Windos 3.1 o superiore; 80 MB hard disk; Sound blaster compatibile sound card; VGA; CD-ROM drive doppia velocitą, mouse. - Requisiti del sistema per Macintosh- 4 MB RAM; 7.01 o superiore; scheda grafica con 256 colori; CD-ROM drive. - Tit dell'etichetta. - In contenitore. - Sul contenitore- The trustees of The Victoria and Albert museum, London, The Corning museum of glass, New York, Art of memory.
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0355876)
The story of the Abraham Lincoln battailon - written in the trenches of Spain
New York - Friends of the Abraham Lincoln battailon, (19..
Testo Monografico

Straight choices - the psychology of decision making / Benjamin R. Newell, David A. Lagnado, David R. Shanks. - Hove, East Sussex ; New York - Psychology Press, 2007
Testo Monografico

Strange company for sen. Taft - sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) proves an amiable Fall guy after being put on the spot with a donkey-traditional Democratic party symbol at the Circus Saints ... in New York ..
New York - Associated press photo, 1952
Documento di tipo grafico

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