Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 2316 di 5334       

Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship
The citizen of to-morrow - (all those who have in their care the guidance of young life, whether as parents, teachers, employers, clu-leaders, minister or politicians, should read this book) / (with a foreword by H. R. H. the duke of York ; preface Edwards S. Woods)
London - Ernest Benn, 1929
Testo Monografico

Conference on comparative fiscal administration (1951 ; Ginevra)
Taxes and fiscal policy in under-developed countries - a report based on technical assistance experience, with special reference to field mission and on the technical assistance conference on comparative fiscal administration ...
New York - Technical assistance administration, 1954
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Conference on editorial problems (27. ; 1991 ; Toronto)
The politics of editing Medieval texts - papers given at the twenty-seventh annual Conference on Editorial Problems - University of Toronto, 1-2 November 1991 / edited by Roberta Frank
New York - AMS press, ©1993
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Conference on editorial problems (27. ; 1991 ; Toronto)
The politics of editing medieval texts - papers given at the twenty-seventh annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 1-2 November 1991 / edited by Roberta Frank
New York - AMS Press, c1993
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Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life (11. ; 1952 ; New York)
Foundations of world organization - a political and cultural appraisal - eleventh symposium / edited by Lyman Bryson ... (ed altri) ; published by the Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life
New York ; London - Harper & Brothers, 1952
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Conference on statistics (3. ; 1962 ; Hamilton)
Conferences on statistics 1962 and 1963 - McMaster University, Hamilton and Laval University, Quebec - papers / edited by J. Henripin and A. Asimakopulos
(Toronto) - University of Toronto Press, 1964
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Conference on statistics, science and public policy (1996 ; Hailsham, Engla
Statistics, science and public policy - proceedings of the Conference on statistics, science and public policy held at Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, U. K., April 10-13, 1996 / A. M. Herzberg and I. Krupka editors
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , c1998
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Conference on the Nation and the political Alternatives of Development (1964 ; Bellagio)
Discussion at Bellagio - the political alternatives of development - a Conference on The Nation and The Political Alternatives of Development (...), Bellagio, march 8-20, 1964 / compiled and edited by K. H. Silvert
New York - American Universities Field Staff, c1964
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Conference on the Nigerian constitution (1953 ; London)
Report by the conference on the Nigerian constitution held in London in July and August, 1953
London - HM stationery office,, 1953
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Conference on the Nigerian constitution (1954 ; Lagos)
Report by the resumed conference on the Nigerian constitution held in Lagos in January and February, 1954
London - HM stationery office, 1954
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Conference regionale europeenne (10. ; 1974 ; Ginevra)
1- Valeurs humaines et politique sociale - a l'ordre du jour de l'OIT pour l'Europe - *Rapport du directeur général ... / 10. Conférence régionale européenne, Genève, janvier 1974
Genève - Bureau international du travail, 1973
Incluso in > 10. Conference regionale europeenne, Geneve, janvier 1974
Testo Monografico

Conferencia de Lisboa (1978 ; Lisbona)
Processos de democratização na Península Ibérica e na América Latina - Conferência de Lisboa de 30 de setembro a 2 de outubro de 1978
Lisboa - Departamento internacional do Partido socialista, (1978)
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Conferencia episcopal de Chile
Evangelio, politica y socialismos - documento de trabajo / Conferencia Episcopal de Chile
(Santiago) - Secretariado del CECH, stampa 1971
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Conferencia episcopal de Chile
Fede cristiana e azione politica / documento della Conferenza episcopale del Cile
Leumann (TO) - Elle Di Ci, (1974
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Conferencia episcopal de Chile
Vangelo, politica e socialismi - documento di lavoro
Torino Leumann - Elle Di Ci, 1971
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