Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 3278 di 5334       

Easton, David
L' analisi sistemica della politica / David Easton ; presentazione di Gianfranco Pasquino
Genova - Marietti, 1984
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Easton, David
The analysis of political structure / David Easton
New York ; London - Routledge, 1990
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Easton, David
Children in the political system - origins of political legitimacy / David Easton, Jack Dennis ; with the assistance of Sylvia Easton
New York - McGraw, c 1969
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Easton, David
A framework for political analysis / David Easton
Englewood Cliffs (NJ) - Prentice-Hall, c1965
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Easton, David
A framework for political analysis / David Easton
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago Press, 1979
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Easton, David
The political system - an inquiry into the state of political science / David Easton
New York - Knopf, 1953
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Easton, David
The political system - an inquiry into the state of political science / David Easton
New York - Knopf, c1971
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Easton, David
The political system - an inquiry into the state of political science / David Easton
Chiacago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1981
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Easton, David
Il sistema politico / David Easton
Milano - Edizioni di Comunita, 1963
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Easton, David
Il sistema politico / David Easton ; (traduzione di P. Maranini)
Milano - Edizioni di comunità, 1973
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Easton, David
A systems analysis of political life / David Easton
New York (etc.) - J. Wiley & sons, c1965
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Easton, Stewart Copinger
The twilight of European colonialism - a political analysis / by Stewar C. Easton
London - Methuen, 1961
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Easton, Stewart Copinger
The twilight of European colonialism - a political analysis / Stewart C. Easton
New York - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1960
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Eatherly, Claude
La coscienza al bando - il carteggio del pilota di Hiroshima Claude Eatherly e di Gunther Anders / con un'introduzione di Robert Jungk e la prefazione di Bertrand Russell all'edizione inglese
Torino - G. Einaudi, 1962
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Eaton, Clement
Henry Clay and the art of American politics / Clement Eaton ; edited by Oscar Handlin
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown, 1957
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