Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 4999 di 5130       

Yansane, Aguibou Y.
Economic implications of political change in Southern Africa / by A.Y. Yansane
Incluso in > L' Afrique du Sud aujourd'hui / Societe africaine de culture
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Yao, Ming-le
Congiura e morte di Lin Biao / di Yao Ming-le
(Milano) - Garzanti, 1984
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Yao, Steven G.
Translation and the languages of modernism - gender, politics, language / Stephen G. Yao
New York ; Houndmills - Palgrave Macmillan, 2002
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Yap, O. Fiona
Citizen Power, Politics, and the "Asian Miracle" - Reassessing the Dynamics / O. Fiona Yap
United States of America - Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., c.2005
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Yarak, Larry W.
Asante and the Dutch, 1744-1873 / Larry W. Yarak
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1990
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Yarbrough, Beth V.
Cooperation and governance in international trade - the strategic organizational approach / Beth V. Yarbrough and Robert M. Yarbrough
Princeton, New Jersey - Princeton University Press, c1992
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Yardley, D. C. M. (David Charles Miller)
Introduction to British constitutional law / D.C.M. Yardley
London ; Dublin ; Edinburgh - Butterworths, 1990
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Yarmolinsky, Adam
The military establishment - its impacts on American society / by Adam Yarmolinsky
New York etc. - Harper & Row, c1971
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Yarmolinsky, Avrahm
Road to revolution - a century of Russian radicalism / by Avrahm Yarmolinsky
Princeton (N.J.) - Princeton University press, 1986
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Yarnold, Barbara M.
Abortion politics in the federal courts - right versus right / Barbara M. Yarnold
Westport, Conn. ; London - Praeger, 1995
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Yarnold, Barbara M.
Politics and the courts - toward a general theory of public law / Barbara M. Yarnold
New York etc. - Praeger, c1992
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Yaro, Ibrahim T.
Is this islam - (politics in religion) / Ibrahim T. Yaro
(Kaduna) - Justice & liberty publications, 1988
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Yaro, Joseph Awetori
Neoliberal globalisation and evolving local traditional institutions- implications for access to resources in rural northern Ghana / Joseph A. Yaro
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Yarrington, Doug
A coffee frontier - land, society, and politics in Duaca, Venezuela, 1830-1936 / Doug Yarrington
Pittsburgh - University of Pittsburgh Press, c1997
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Yarrow, Stella
Religious and political discrimination in the workplace - seeking justice in Northern Ireland / Stella Yarrow and Jane Steele
London - Policy studies institute, c1997
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