Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 5004 di 5130       

Yoder, John Howard
The politics of Jesus - vicit Agnus noster / John Howard Yoder
Graand Rapids (MI) - W. B. Eerdmans ; Carlisle (UK) - Paternoster Press, 1994
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Yoder, John Howard
The politics of Jesus - vicit Agnus noster / John H. Yoder
Grand Rapids, Mich. - Eerdmans, copyr. 1972, stampa 1988
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Yodfat, Aryeh
Arab politics in the Soviet mirror / Aryeh Yodfat
Jerusalem - Israel University press, c1973
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Yodfat, Aryeh Y.
PLO - strategy and politics / Aryeh Y. Yodfat and Yuval Arnon-Ohanna
London - Croom Helm, c1981
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Yoffee, Norman
Political economy in early Mesopotamian States / Norman Yoffee
(Palo Alto - Annual reviews, 1995 )
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Yohannes, Okbazghi
Eritrea - a pawn in world politics / Okbazghi Yohannes
Gainesville - University of Florida Press, c1991
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Yong, Amos
In the Days of Caesar - Pentecostalism and Political Theology - the Cadbury Lectures 2009 / Amos Yong
Gran Rapids, Michigan ; Cambridge, U. K. - William B. Eerdmans, 2010
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Yonk, Ryan M.
Green vs. green - the political, legal, and administrative pitfalls facing green energy production / Ryan M. Yonk, Randy T. Simmons and Brian C. Steed
New York - Routledge, 2013
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Yonuo, Asoso
The rising Nagas - a historical and political study / Asoso Yonuo
Delhi - Manas, 1984
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Yoo, Theodore Jun
The politics of gender in colonial Korea - education, labor; and health, 1910-1945 / Theodore Jun Yoo
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, 2008
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Yoon, Dae-Kyu
Law and political authority in South Korea / by Dae-Kyu Yoon
Boulder - Westview ; Seoul - Kyungnam university press, 1990
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Yordanova, Nikoleta
Organising the European Parliament - the role of Committees and their legislative influence / Nikoleta Yordanova ; ECPR
Colchester - ECPR Press, 2013
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York, Henry E.
Political science - a guide to reference and information sources / Henry E. York
Englewood, Colorado - Libraries Unlimited, 1990
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Yorke, Barbara
The conversion of Britain - religion, politics and society in Britain, c. 600-800 / Barbara Yorke
Harlow (etc.) - Pearson Longman, 2006
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Yorke, Liz
Adrienne Rich - passion, politics and the body / Liz Yorke
London (etc.) - Sage, 1997
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