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Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 5006 di 5130       

Young, Arthur (1741-1820)
Political arithmetic containing observations on the present state of Great Britain; and the principles of her policy in the encouragement of agriculture. Adressed to the oeconomical societies established in Europe
London - W. Nicoll, 1774
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Young, Arthur (1741-1820)
Political arithmetick. Part 2. Containing considerations on the means of raising the supplies within the year. Occasioned by Mr. Pulteney's pamphlet on that subject. By Arthur Young ..
London - printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1779
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Young, Arthur (1741-1820)
Political essays concerning the present state of the British empire; particularly respecting 1. Natural advantages and disadvantages. 2. Constitution. 3. Agriculture. 4. Manufactures. 5. The colonies. And 6. Commerce
London - printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1772
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Young, Brian
The Politics of codification - the lower Canadian civil code of 1866 / Brian Young
Montreal etc. - The Osgoode society for Canadian legal history - McGill-Queen's Univesity press, c1994
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Young, Crawford
Ethnicity and politics in Africa / Crawford Young
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Young, Crawford
Ideology and development in Africa / Crawford Young
New Haven ; London - Yale university, copyr. 1982
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Young, Crawford
Politics in the Congo - decolonization and independence / by Crawford Young
Princeton, N. J. - Princeton University Press
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Young, Elise G.
Gender and nation building in the Middle East - the political economy of health from mandate Palestine to refugee camps in Jordan / Elise G. Young
London - Tauris, 2012
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Young, George
The pendulum of progress - an essay in political science and scientific politics / by George Young
London - Oxford University press, 1931
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Young, George K.
Finance and world power - a political commentary / George K. Young
London - Nelson, 1968
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Young, Hugo
The iron lady - a biography of Margaret Thatcher / by Hugo Young
New York - Farrar Straus Giroux, 1989
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Young, Iris Marion
Intersecting voice - dillemmas of gender, political philosopy, and policy / Iris M. Young
Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1997
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Young, Iris Marion
Intersecting voices - dilemmas of gender, political philosophy, and policy / Iris Marion Young
Princeton - Princeton University press, c1997
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Young, Iris Marion
Justice and the politics of difference / Iris Marion Young
Princeton, NJ - Princeton university press, c1990
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Young, Iris Marion
Justice and the politics of difference / Iris Marion Young
Princeton - University Press, 1990
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