(ordinamento per Titolo - senza autore) Argomento: Religione |
Pagina nr. 2155 di 2489 |
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Napoli - Stamperia Raffaele Ghio, Michelangelo Tancredi, 1856- Pubblicazione Periodica 1- Serie cristologica. Incluso in > Los grandes temas del arte cristiano en Espana - ordenacion de las obras maestras por temas religiosos, a cargo de una comision de profesores universitarios Testo Monografico Serie degli uomini lucchesi i più illustri in santità, e dottrina che hanno sino a qui' fiorito nella religione de' cappuccini con gli elogi descritti dal molto reverendo fr. Innocenzo da Casabasciana della medesima religione e con gli ritratti disegnati da Giovanni Pacini pittore Lucchese raccolta da Tommaso Francesco Bernardi patrizio lucchese In Lucca, 1776 Testo Monografico Serie iconografica dei patriarchi di Venezia - patriarchio di Castello, Sacrestia di San Marco, Seminario patriarcale Venezia - Studium cattolico veneziano, 1961 Testo Monografico La Serinde, terre d'echanges - art, religion, commerce du I au X siecle - actes du colloque international, Galleries nationales du Grand Palais, 13-14-15 fevrier 1996 / direction scientifique, Monique Cohen, Jean-Pierre Drege, Jacques Gies ; coordination de la publication, Jean-Pierre Drege Paris - La Documentation francaise, 2000 Testo Monografico Sermo mysticus - mystique et langage entre Moyen Âge et époque moderne Paris - A. Colin, 2013 Incluso in > Revue de l'histoire des religions - Annales du Musee Guimet Testo Monografico Sermo sapientiae - scritti in memoria di Reginaldo Cambareri O.P. Acireale - Galatea, 1990 Testo Monografico Sermon de la canonizacion de s. Catalina de Boloña. Predicado por el m.r.p. fr. Sebastian Diana, Y Capay ... en la solemnissima fiesta, que celebrò, el religiosissimo monasterio de santa Lucia, à los 25. de iunio, domingo tercero despues de pentecostes- el año 1713 .. , (1713) Testo Monografico A sermon delivered to the first religious society in Roxbury, December 2, 1783 .. Boston - printed by Adams and Nourse, 1784 Testo Monografico A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of St. Paul, april the 7th. 1701. Being the fourth for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By George Stanhope. , 1701 Incluso in > The truth and excellence of the christian religion asserted- against jews, infidels and hereticks. In sixteen sermons, preached at the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; For the y... Testo Monografico A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of St. Paul, february the 3d. 170. Being the second for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By George Stanhope.. , 1701 Incluso in > The truth and excellence of the christian religion asserted- against jews, infidels and hereticks. In sixteen sermons, preached at the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; For the y... Testo Monografico A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of St. Paul, january the 6th. 170. Being the first for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By George Stanhope.. , 1701 Incluso in > The truth and excellence of the christian religion asserted- against jews, infidels and hereticks. In sixteen sermons, preached at the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; For the y... Testo Monografico A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of St. Paul, march the 3d. 170. Being the third for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By George Stanhope.. , 1701 Incluso in > The truth and excellence of the christian religion asserted- against jews, infidels and hereticks. In sixteen sermons, preached at the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; For the y... Testo Monografico A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of St. Paul, may the 5th. 1701 Being the fifth for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By George Stanhope.. , 1701 Incluso in > The truth and excellence of the christian religion asserted- against jews, infidels and hereticks. In sixteen sermons, preached at the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; For the y... Testo Monografico A sermon preached at the cathedral church of St. Paul, april the 6th. 1702. Being the fourth for the year 1702. of the lecture.. , 1702 Incluso in > The truth and excellence of the christian religion asserted- against jews, infidels and hereticks. In sixteen sermons, preached at the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; For the y... Testo Monografico |