Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 2985 di 6283       

Huizer, Gerrit
Vol. 1- Global Perspective / by Gerrit Huizer and Jesus Lava ; with a special contribution from Flor Cometa
Manila - Asian Social Institute Communication Center, 1989
Incluso in > Explorations in folk religion and healing / by Gerrit Huizer and Jesus Lava
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Huizinga, Johan
Morte e religione nel Medioevo / Johan Huizinga ; prefazione di Chiara Frugoni
Milano - BUR Rizzoli, 2009
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Hulbert, Charles (1778-1857)
The religions of Britain- or a view of its various christian denominations; the tenets, ceremonies, &c. of the ancient druids ; and the history of the british church, ... the doctrines and customs of the greek or russian church ; a display of paganism, judaism, mahometanism, deism, &c. by Charles Hulbert
Shrewsbury - printed by the author, (1826 (Hadnal, near Shrewsbury - Hulbert, printer, Providence Grove)
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Huldrich, Johann Jacob
Joh. Jacobi Huldrici, ... Asma kukneion, seu Oratio sacra, paucis ante beatam mortem, diebus, publice recitata. Eam adspersis paucis notulis edidit, historiamque vitæ, & obitus ejusdem adjecit Jacobus Zimmermannus, ... Cujus quoque ad calcem addita est, Oratio de stoicorum & epicureorum, religioni christianæ intentatis convitiis
Tiguri - ex officina Gessneriana, 1731
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Hulin, Michel
L' immaginario dell'aldilà / Michel Hulin.
Incluso in > Atlante delle religioni / ideazione e realizzazione di Charles Baladier ; edizione italiana a cura di Giovanni Filoramo
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Hulin, Michel
L' Induismo / Michel Hulin.
Incluso in > Atlante delle religioni / ideazione e realizzazione di Charles Baladier ; edizione italiana a cura di Giovanni Filoramo
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Hull, John M.
The act unpacked - the meaning of the 1988 Education Reform Act for religious education / John M. Hull
Isleworth - CEM, c1989
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Hulme, Thomas Ernest
Meditazioni / Thomas E. Hulme ; con due scritti di Bertrand Russell ; (introduzione di Rodolfo Quadrelli)
Firenze - Vallecchi, 1969
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Hulsether, Mark
Religion, culture, and politics in the Twentieth-Century United States / Mark Hulsether
Edinburgh - Edinburgh University Press, ©2007
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Hulsewiede, Brigitte
Indiens heilige Kuhe - in religioser, okologischer und entwicklungspolitischer Perspektive Ergebnisse einer aktuellen ethnologischen Kontroverse / Brigitte Hulsewiede
Munster - Lit, 1986
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Hultgard, Anders
Das Judentum in der hellenistisch-romischen Zeit und die iranische Religion - ein religionsgeschichtliches Problem / Von Anders Hultgard
Berlin ; New York - De Gruyter, 1979
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Hultin, Jeremy F.
A new web for Arachne and a new veil for the temple - women and weaving from Athena to the virgin Mary / Jeremy F. Hultin
Incluso in > Women and gender in ancient religions - interdisciplinary approaches / edited by Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll, Paul A. Holloway and James A. Kelhoffer
Testo a stampa

Hultkrantz, Åke
The attraction of Peyote - an inquiry into the Basic conditions for the diffusion of the Peyote religion in North America / Åke Hultkrantz
Stockholm - Almquist & Wiksell international, 1997
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Hultkrantz, Åke
Conceptions of the soul among North American Indians - a study in religious ethnology / by Ake Hultkrantz
Stockholm - Caslon Press, 1953
Incluso in > Monograph series / The ethnographical Museum of Sweden, Stockholm .
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Hultkrantz, Åke
Iconography of religions. #,Section 10., North America .
Pubblicazione Periodica