Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 2987 di 6283       

Human rights watch
Israel and the palestinian authority territories / Human Rights Watch.
Incluso in > Human rights & religion - a reader / edited by Liam Gearon
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Human rights watch
Muslim-Christian conflict in Sudan / Human Rights Watch.
Incluso in > Human rights & religion - a reader / edited by Liam Gearon
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Human rights watch
Ortodox Christian intollerance in Georgia / Human Rights Watch.
Incluso in > Human rights & religion - a reader / edited by Liam Gearon
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Human rights watch
Politics by other means- attacks on christians in India / Human Rights Watch.
Incluso in > Human rights & religion - a reader / edited by Liam Gearon
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Human rights watch
We have no orders to save you- Hindu-Muslims violence in India / Human Rights Watch.
Incluso in > Human rights & religion - a reader / edited by Liam Gearon
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Human rights watch Asia
China - state control of religion / Human Rights Watch/Asia
New York (etc.) - Human Rights Watch, c1997
Testo Monografico

Humayni, Ruh Allah
Citazioni / Ruhollah Khomeyni
Parma - All'insegna del Veltro, 1980
Testo Monografico

Humayni, Ruh Allah
Il governo islamico / Ayatollâh Khomeyni
Roma - Centro culturale islamico europeo, 1983
Testo Monografico

Humayni, Ruh Allah
Il governo islamico / ayatollâh Khomeyni ; (edizione italiana e introduzione di Umar Amîn)
Roma - LEDE, (dopo il 1980)
Testo Monografico

Humayni, Ruh Allah
Il governo islamico / ayatollah Khomeyni
Roma - LEDE, 1981
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Humayni, Ruh Allah
Imam's final discourse - the text of political and religious testament of the leader of the islamic revolution and the founder of the islamic republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini
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Humayni, Ruh Allah
Lettera al papa / Ruhollah Khomeyni
Parma - All'insegna del veltro, 1980
Testo Monografico

Humbach, Helmut
Influence hellenistique dans les religions de l'Asie centrale ancienne / par Helmut Humbach
Nancy - Centre Europeen Universitaire, 1969
Testo Monografico

Humbert - de Romans
Commentaria in regulam D. Augustini episcopi, et tria vota substantialia religionis autore B. Humberto Burgundo Generali V. magistri Ordinis Praedicatorum. Et in eandem breuis quaedam enarratio Hugonis à S. Victore Can. Reg. Nunc denuò ad communem eius Ordinis religiosorum vsum in lucem edita
Comi - typis Hieronymum Frouae, 1605 (Comi - apud Hieronymum Frouam, 1605)
Testo Monografico

Humbert - de Romans
Beati Humberti de Romanis Burgundi olim ordinis praedicatorum quinti generalis magistri De eruditione religiosorum praedicatorum libri duo in quorum primo de praedicatorum munere, & variis ad ipsum spectantibus, formaque, ac arte concionandiagitur in secundo autem de modo promte cudendi ... Opera et studio Josephi Catalani ..
Romæ - typis Antonii de Rubeis apud Pantheon, 1739
Testo Monografico