Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 3045 di 6283       

International Congress on Religion, Architecture and the Visual Arts, (1.), 1967, New York and Montreal
Revolution, place and symbol - journal of the first International Congress on Religion, Architecture and the Visual Arts, New York City and Montreal, August 26 through September 4, 1967 / (edited by Rolfe Lanier Hunt)
New York ; Montreal - International Congress on Religion, Architecture and the Visual Arts, c1969
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International Congress on Religion, Architecture, and the Arts (3. ; 1973 ; Jerusalem)
Sacred space- meaning and form - the Third International Congress on Religion, Architecture, and the Arts / Moshe Davidowitz, general chairman ; edited by David James Randolph
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International course on Augustinian spirituality (1979 ; Roma)
Searching for God - the contemplative dimension of the Augustinian experience - international course on Augustinian spirituality - Rome, July 1-19, 1979
Rome - Augustinian publications, 1981
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International interdisciplinary project (2006-2009)
Sacred topology of early Ireland and ancient India - religious paradigm shift - proceedings of the International interdisciplinary project, May 2006-May 2009 / funded by the British Academy and Russian Academy of sciences ; between Research Institute for Irish & Celtic studies, University of Ulster, Institute of oriental studies, Moscow, Russian academy of sciences ; edited by Maxim Fomin, Séamus Mac Mathuna, Victoria Vertogradova
Washington, D. C. - Institute for the study of man, 2010
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International Jewish/Christian conference on modern social and scientific challenges (1994 ; Jerusalem)
Religious leadership in secular society - the international Jewish/Christian Conference on modern social and scientific challenges, Jerusalem, February 1-4, 1994 - invited contributions
Jerusalem - Bamot Center for Cultural and Social Studies, (1994?)
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International medieval congress (4. ; 1997 ; Leeds)
The vocation of service to God and neighbour - essays on the interests, involvements and problems of religious communities and their members in medieval society - selected proceedings of the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds - 14-17 july 1997 / edited by Joan Greatrex
Turnhout - Brepols, 1998
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International neo-malthusian and birth control Conference (6. ; 1925 ; New York)
4- Religious and ethical aspects of birth control / edited by Margaret Sanger
New York - The American birth control league, 1926
Incluso in > Sixth international neo-malthusian and birth control Conference
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International Plutarch Society
Gods, daimones, rituals, myths and history of religions in Plutarch's works - studies devoted to professor Frederick E. Brenk / by the International Plutarch Society ; Luc van der Stockt ... (ed altri) ed
Logan, UT - Utah State University Press, 2010
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International Sakharov Hearings
Tribunale Sacharov, atto secondo - testimonianze e documenti sulla violazione dei diritti civili, socioeconomici, e religiosi nell'Unione Sovietica e nei paesi dell'Est europeo - seconda sessione delle Udienze internazionali Sacharov, Roma, novembre 1977
Milano - Cooperativa editoriale La casa di Matriona, 1979
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International Seminar on ancient Greek cult (1. ; 1990 ; Delfi)
The iconography of Greek cult in the archaic and classical periods - proceedings of the First international seminar on ancient Greek cult, organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens and the European cultural centre of Delphi - Delphi, 16-18 november 1990 / edited by Robin Hagg
Athenes ; Liege - Centre d'Etude de la religion grecque antique, 1992
Incluso in > Kernos. Supplement
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International seminar on ancient Greek cult (2. ; 1991 ; Atene)
Ancient Greek cult practice from the epigraphical evidence - proceedings of the 2. international Seminar on Ancient Greek cult, organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22-24 November 1991 / ed. by Robin Hägg
Stockholm - P. Åströms, distributor, 1994
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International seminar on Ancient Greek cult (3. ; 1992 ; Atene)
The role of religion in the early Greek polis - proceedings of the 3. International seminar on Ancient Greek cult, organized by the Swedish institute at Athens, 16-18 october 1992 / edited by Robin Hägg
Stockolm - P. Åströms, 1996
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International seminar on ancient Greek cult (5. ; 1999 ; Göteborg)
Ancient Greek hero cult - proceedings of the 5. International seminar on ancient Greek cult, Göteborg university, 21-23 april 1995 / edited by Robin Hägg
Stockholm - P. Åströms Förlag, 1999
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International Seminar on Cultural Interface of India with South-, Southeast-, and East Asia- philosophy, art and architecture (2003 - New
Cultural interface of India with Asia - religion, art and architecture / edited by Anupa Pande & Parul Pandya Dhar ; with a foreword by R.D. Choudhury
New Delhi - D.K. Printworld ; National Museum Institute, 2004
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International slavic conference (1974 ; Banff)
Marxism and religion in Eastern Europe - papers presented at the Banff International Slavic Conference, September 4-7, 1974 / edited by Richard T. De George and James P. Scanlan
Dordrecht, Hol. ; Boston, USA - D. Reidel Publishing Company, copyr., 1976
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