Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 3159 di 6283       

Julian (di Norwich)
Showing of love - extant texts and traslation / Julian of Norwich ; edited by sister Anna Maria Reynolds C.P. and Julia Bolton Holloway
Tavarnuzze, Impruneta - SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2001
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Julian, Baiju
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan - an authentic interpreter of indian culture, philosophy and religion / Baiju Julian
Alwaye - Pontifical Institute of Theology and Philosophy, 2005
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Julian, John
A dictionary of hymnology - Setting forth the origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations / edited by John Julian, D. D
New York - Dover Publ., 1957
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Julian, Kongolawe
Christian sacraments and African religious rites / Kongolawe Julian
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Julien, Claude
2- Races, religions, moeurs / Claude Julien
Paris - Rene Julliard, c1960
Incluso in > Le nouveau nouveau monde / Claude Julien
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Julien, Felix Honore Sauveur
Voyage au pays de Babel, ou Explorations à travers la science des langues et des religions - étude élémentaire de philologie comparée / par Félix Julien
Paris - E. Plon et, 1876
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Juliucci, Pierbattista
Breve vita popolare del beato Egidio Maria di S. Giuseppe laico professo dei Frati minori
Napoli - F. Giannini e F., 1958
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Juliusson, Per
The Gonds and their religion - a study of the integrative function of religion in a present, preliterary and preindustrial culture in Madhya Pradesh, India ...
Stockholm - s.n. , 1974 (Stockholm - Kungl. Boktryckeriet P.A. Norstedt & Söner)
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Jullien, Christelle
Édesse dans les Actes de Mar Mari / Christelle Jullien, Florence Jullien.
Incluso in > Apocryphite - histoire d'un concept transversal aux religions du livre - en hommage a Pierre Geoltrain / sous la direction de Simon Claude Mimouni ; avec la collaboration technique de Constantinos Ma...
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Jullien, Jacques
Les chrétiens et l'état / Jacques Jullien, Pierre L'Huillier, Jacques Ellul
Paris - Mame, 1967
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Jullien, Jacques
I cristiani e lo stato / Jacques Jullien, Pierre L'Huillier, Jacques Ellul
Roma - AVE, 1967
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Jung, Carl Gustav
Le divin dans l'homme - lettures sur les religions choisies et présentées par Michel Cazenave / C.G. Jung
Paris - Albin Michel, 1999
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Jung, Carl Gustav
Is analytical psychology a religion - notes on a talk given by C. G. Jung
Incluso in > Spring
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Jung, Carl Gustav
Prolegomeni allo studio scientifico della mitologia / C. G. Jung, K. Kerényi ; traduzione di Angelo Brelich
(Torino) - G. Einaudi, 1948
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Jung, Carl Gustav
Prolegomeni allo studio scientifico della mitologia / Carl Gustav Jung e Karoly Kerenyi
Torino - P. Boringhieri, 1972
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