Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 515 of 1913       

Arthur, Joseph Charles
Rusts on compositae from Mexico / J. C. Arthur
Chicago - the University press, °1905?
Monographic text

Arthur, Joseph Charles
Terminology of the spore structures in the uredinales - briefer articles / °J. C. Arthur
°Lafayette, Ind.? - Purdue university, 1905?
Monographic text

Artman, Charles Enos
Food costs and city consumers - significant factors in metropolitan distribution of perishables / by Charles Enos Artman
New York - Columbia University Press, 1926
Monographic text

Artman, Charles Enos
- Industrial structure of New England / by Charles E. Artman
Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1930
It's a part of > The Commercial survey of New England
Monographic text

Arts, Mary Raphael
The syntax of the confessions of Saint Augustine - a dissertation submitted to the Catholic University of America ... / by sister Mary Raphael Arts
Whitefish, Montana - Kessinger Publishing, 2007
Monographic text

Arts, Sister Mary Raphael
The syntax of the Confessions of Saint Augustine - a dissertation submitted to the Catholic University of America ... / by Sister Mary Raphael Arts
Washington, DC - The Catholic Univ. of America, 1927
Monographic text

Artschwager, Ernst
Dictionary of botanical equivalents - german-english, dutch-english, italian-english / by Ernst Artsschwager . French-english / by Edwina M. Smiley
Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins, 1925
Monographic text

The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata - an ancient indian work on mathematics and astronomy / translated with notes by Walter Eugene Clark
Chicago - The University of Chicago press, 1930
Monographic text

Arzelą, Cesare
Note on series of analytic functions / by cesare Arzela
Salem - Salem press, 1904
Monographic text

Asakawa, Kan'ichi
Volume 7.- Japan - from the Japanese Governement History / edited with supplementary chapters by K. Asakawa
New York - P.F. Collier and son, 1913
It's a part of > The history of nations / Henry Cabot Lodge, editor-in-chief
Monographic text

Aschaffenburg, Gustav
Crime and its repression / by Gustav Aschaffenburg ; translated by Adalbert Albrecht ; with an editorial preface by Maurice Parmelee and an introduction by Arthur C. Train
Boston - Little, Brown & C., 1913
Monographic text

Ascoli, G. (musicista)
Fortunello / versione comica del parodista G. Ascoli con la raccolta di spirito e facezie ; musica ideata dallo stesso in un momento di nevrastenia
New York - Societą libraria italiana, c1918

Ascoli, Giuseppe
Scenette di cinematografo (dal vero) - imitazione umoristica dell'artista / G. Ascoli ; su musica di G. Del Vecchio
New York - Societa libraria italiana, c1917
Monographic text

Asgill, John
John Asgill on Several assertions proved, 1696
(Baltimore, Md. - The Lord Baltimore press, The Friedenwald company, c1906)
Monographic text

Asgill, John
Several assertions proved / by John Asgill
(Baltimore - the Johns Hopkins press, c1906
Monographic text

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