Page no. 1809 of 1913 |
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Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries / By Charles H. Verrill Washington - Government printing office, 1915 Monographic text Verworn, Max Irritability - a physiological analysis of the general effect of stimuli in living substance / by Max Verworn New Haven - Yale University press ; London - H. Frowde ; (Oxford) - Oxford University press, 1913 Monographic text Very, Frank Washington Atmospheric radiation - a research conducted at the Allegheny observatory and at Providence, R. I. / by Frank W. Very ; submitted to Willis L. Moore Washington - Government printing office, 1900 It's a part of > Bulletin G / Weather bureau (of the) U. S. Department of agriculture Monographic text Vespasiano - da Bisticci The Vespasiano memoirs - lives of illustrious men of the 15. century / by Vespasiano da Bisticci ; now first traslated into English by William George and Emily Waters New York - L. Mac Veagh - the Dial press, 1926 Monographic text Vespucci, Amerigo (1451-1512) Letter to Piero Soderini, gonfaloniere - the year 1504 / Amerigo Vespucci ; translated with introduction and notes by George Tyler Northup Princeton - Princeton University press, 1916 Monographic text Vespucci, Amerigo (1451-1512) Lettera di Amerigo Vespucci delle isole nuovamente trovate in quattro suoi viaggi - (1504) Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1916 Monographic text Vespucci, Amerigo (1451-1512) Sensuyt le nouveau monde & navigations faictes par Emeric Vespuce Florentin - des pays et isles nouvellement trouvez auparavant a nous inconneuz tant en l'Ethiope que Arrabie, Calichut et aultres plusieurs regions estranges - 1515 / translate de italien en langue françoise par Mathurin du Redouer Princeton - University Press ; London - Humphrey Milford ; Oxford - University Press, 1916 Monographic text Vial, Edmund Ellsworth 119- Prices of fertilizer materials and factors affecting the fertilizer tonnage / Edmund Ellsworth Vial Ithaca - Cornell university, 1928 It's a part of > Memoir / Cornell university, Agricultural experiment station Monographic text Viall, Ethan Broaches and broaching / Ethan Viall New York - McGraw-Hill book Company, 1918 Monographic text Viallate, Achille Economic imperialism and international relations during the last fifty years - by Achille Viallate New York - Macmillan, 1923 Monographic text Vicary, Thomas The anatomie of the bodie of man - part 1. / edited by Frederick J. Furnivall and Percy Furnivall New York - Kraus reprint, 1975 Monographic text Vicente, Gil Four plays - edited from the editio princeps (1562) / with translation and notes by Aubrey F. G. Bell New York - Kraus reprints co., 1969 Monographic text Victoria, Tomás Luis - de Opera omnia / ex antiquissimis, iisdemque rarissimis, hactenus cognitis editionibus in unum collecta, atque adnotationibus, tum interpretatoriis ornata a Philippo Pedrell... Ridgewood, N. J. - Gregg Monographic text Victorinus - Poetovionensis Victorini episcopi petavionensis opera / recensuit, commentario critico instruxit, prolegomena et indices adiecit Johannes Haussleiter New York °etc. - Johnson Reprint corporation, 1965 Monographic text Vidal, Emmanuel The history and methods of the Paris bourse / by E. Vidal Washington - Government printing office, 1910 Monographic text |