Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 356 of 1849       

Part 3- Ohio river basin
, 1948
It's a part of > Surface water supply of the United States 1945 / prepared by Water Resources Branch Division of Surface Water
Monographic text

Part 3- Ohio River basin
, 1949
It's a part of > Surface water supply of the United States 1946 / prepared under the direction of C. G. Paulsen
Monographic text

Part 3- Ohio River basin
, 1950
It's a part of > Surface water supply of the United States 1947 / prepared under the direction of C. G. Paulsen
Monographic text

Oil and gas journal
Tulsa, OK - Pennwell

Oil mill gazetteer
Houston - International oil mill superintendents ass., 1895-

Okay for sound - the screen found its voice / edited by Frederic Thrasher
New York - Duell, Sloan and Pearce, ©1946
Monographic text

Okinawa - the last battle / by Roy E. Appleman, Jemes M. Burns, Russell A. Gugeler and John Stevens
Washington - Historical Division Department of the army, 1948
Monographic text

Old american songs - first set / newly arranged (by Aaron Copland
New York ; Toronto ; Buenos Aires ... - Boosey and Hawkes, ©1950

Old ironsides gets overhaul - Seaman Orrin Hall of South Portland, Me., poses in the brig of the U.S. frigate constitution, now being made shipshape at the Charlestown Nay Yard in Boston ..
(New York) - Wide world photo, 1950
Graphic document

Old Testament miniatures - a medieval picture book with 283 paintings from the creation to the Story of David / introduction and legends by Sydney C. Cockerell ; preface by John Plummer
New York - George Braziller, 19..
Monographic text

Vol. 1- The old world
, Ristampa dell ed. 1935
It's a part of > a reference guide to the literature of travel, including voyages, geographical descriptions, adventures, shipwrecks and expeditions
Monographic text

Oldsmobile shop manual - 1942
Monographic text

New York - Olympia Publishing Co

Omaggio alla memoria imperitura di Carlo Tresca / (compilato da Felice Guadagni e Renato Vidal
New York - Il Martello, 1943
Monographic text

Omaha beachhead - 6 June-13 June 1944
Washington - Historical Division. War Department, 1945
Monographic text

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