Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 939 of 1849       

Foster, Edgar E.
Rainfall and runoff / Edgar E. Foster
New York - The MacMillian Company, 1949
Monographic text

Foster, Genevieve
Abraham Lincoln's World - 1809-1865 / Genevieve Foster
New York - C. Scribner's Sons, 1949
Monographic text

Foster, Genevieve
George Washington / Genevieve Foster
New York - C. Scribner's Sons, 1949
Monographic text

Foster, Genevieve
George Washington's World / Genevieve Foster
New York - C. Scribner's Sons, 1946
Monographic text

Foster, George M.
A primitive mexican economy - centennial anniversary publication the American ethnological society, 1842-1942 / George M. Foster
New York - Augustin, c1942
Monographic text

Foster, George M.
Sierra Populuca Folklore and beliefs / by Georege m. Foster
It's a part of > University of California. Publications in American archaeology and ethnology
Monographic text

Foster, George McClelland
Empire's children - the people of Tzintzuntzan / by G. M. Foster assisted by Gabriel Ospina
Washington - Smithsonian Institution, 1948
Monographic text

Foster, Jackson W.
Chemical activities of fungi / by Jackson W. Foster
New York - Academic press, 1949
Monographic text

Foster, James Ralph
History of the pre-romantic novel in England
New York - Modern Language Association ; London - Oxford University Press, 1949
Monographic text

Foster, James Ralph
History of the preromantic novel in England
New York - Kraus Reprint, 1966
Monographic text

Foster, Josephine C.
Education in the kindergarten / Josephine C. Foster and Neith E. Headley
New York etc. - American book company, c1948
Monographic text

Foster, M. B.
Brazil - orchid of the tropics
New York - Ronald press, 1946
Monographic text

Foster, Marian Curtis
Miss Flora Mac Flimsey's Christmas Eve / Mariana
New York - Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1949
Monographic text

Foster, Mary L
Sierra Popoluca speech
Washington - Smithsonian Institution, 1948
Monographic text

Foster, Michael B.
1- Plato to Machiavelli / by Michael B. Foster
Cambridge (Mass.) - The Riverside Press ; Boston - Houghton Mifflin Company, c1941
It's a part of > Masters of Political Thought / under the editorship of Edward McChesney Sait
Monographic text

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