Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1014 of 1849       

Guillaume, Augustin
Soviet arms and soviet power - the secrets of Russia's might / by Augustin Guillaume
Washington - Infantry Journal Press, c1949
Monographic text

Guillelmus - de Occam
The tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia Dei et de futuris contingentibus / of William Ockham ; edited with a study on the Medieval Problem of a Three-valued Logic by Philotheus Boehner
New York - The Franciscan Institute St. Bonaventure , 1945
Monographic text

Guillelmus - de Occam
The tractatus de successivis - attribuited to William Ockham / Edited ... by Philotheus Boehner
St. Boneventure - Franciscan Institute, 1944
Monographic text

Guillemin, Ernst A.
The mathematics of circuit analysis - extensions to the mathematical training of electrical engineers / by E. A. Guillemin
, Cambridge - The M.I.T.,c1949
Monographic text

Guillemin, Ernst A.
The mathematics of circuit analysis - extensions to the mathematical training of electrical engineers / by E. A. Guillemin
New York - John Wiley & Sons, London - Chapman & Hall, c1949
Monographic text

Guilliermond, Alexandre
The cytoplasm of the plant cell / by Alexandre Gulliermond ; authorized translation from the unpublished french manuscript by Lenette Rogers Atkinson ; foreword by William Seifriz
Waltham - Chronica botanica, 1941
Monographic text

Guillén, Jorge
The poetry of Jorge Guillen / including some translations by Frances Avery Pleak ; with an introduction by Americo Castro
Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1942
Monographic text

Guingand, Francis - de
Operation victory / by Francis de Guingand
New York - Scribner?s, 1947
Monographic text

Guiniven, John Joseph
The precept of hearing mass - an historical conspectus and commentary - a dissertation / by John Joseph Guiniven
Washington - The Catholic University of America, 1942
Monographic text

Gulczynski, John Theophilus
The desecration and violation of churches - an historical synopsis and commentary - a dissertation / by John Theophilus Gulczynski
Washington - The Catholic University of America, 1942
Monographic text

Gulick, Charles A.
Austria from Habsburg to Hitler / by Charles A. Gulick ; with a Foreword by Walther Federn
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press, 1948
Monographic text

Gulick, Charles A.
2- Fascism Subversion of Democracy / by Charles A. Gulick
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press, 1948
It's a part of > Austria from Habsburg to Hitler / by Charles A. Gulick ; with a Foreword by Walther Federn
Monographic text

Gulick, Charles A.
1- Labors Workshop of Democracy / by Charles A. Gulick
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press, 1948
It's a part of > Austria from Habsburg to Hitler / by Charles A. Gulick ; with a Foreword by Walther Federn
Monographic text

Gulick, Luther Halsey
Administrative reflections from world war 2. / Luther Gulick
Montgomery - University of Alabama press, 1948
Monographic text

Gullers, Karl Werner
Sweden / photographs by K. W. Gullers ; text by Howard E. Reichardt
Chicago ; New York - Ziff Davis, c1947
Monographic text

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