Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 350 of 1877       

( Marilyn Monroe)
New York - Globe photos ; Roma - EPS, (1951-1962)
Graphic document

Marines polish up surprise punch technique ..
New York - International news photos, 1955
Graphic document

Marino Marini - february 14-march 11,1950
New York - Buchholz Gallery, (1950?)
Monographic text

Marino Marini - October 27-November 21 1953
New York - Curt Valentin Gallery, (1953?)
Monographic text

Marion Pike
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n.), 1955
Monographic text

Mark Tobey / (Hermon More)
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n., dopo il 1951)
Monographic text

Mark Twain - selected criticism / edited with an introduction by Arthur L. Scott
Dallas - Southern Methodist University Press, 1955
Monographic text

Mark Twain journal
St. Louis - The international Mark Twain society, 1936-

Marketing / a cura di United States department of agriculture
Washington, D.C. - The United States government printig office, 1954
It's a part of > Yearbook of agriculture / United States Department of agriculture
Monographic text

Marketing by manufacturers / editor Charles F. Phillips
Chicago - Richard D. Irwin, 1951
Monographic text

Marketing handbook / edited by Paul H. Nystrom ; staff editor Albert W. Frey
New York - Ronald press, 1954
Monographic text

Marketing research and business management - marketing delivered at the 1951 Illinois marketing symposium - University of Illinois, October 1951 / ed. Nugent Wedding
Urbana, Illinois - Bureau of economic and business research, s.d
Monographic text

Marketing research pays off - forty case histories of profitable consumer and industrial marketing research / edited by Henry Brenner
New York - Printers' ink books, ©1955
Monographic text

Marketing research report / United State Department of agriculture
Washington - U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1952

Marketing- current problems and theories - Indiana marketing symposium / edited by Schuyler F. Otteson
Bloomington - Indiana University, 1952
Monographic text

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