Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 805 of 1877       

Coffman, Stanley K.
Imagism - a chapter for the history of modern poetry / by Stanley K. Coffman, Jr
Norman - University of Oklahoma press, ©1951
Monographic text

Cohen, Albert K.
Delinquent boys - the culture of the gang / By Albert K. Cohen
Glencoe, Ill. - Free press, 1955
Monographic text

Cohen, Barnett
Chronicles of the society of american bacteriologists 1899-1950 / by Barn tt Cohen
Baltimore - Golden Jubilee Meeting, c1950
Monographic text

Cohen, Boaz
Letter and spirit in Jewish and Roman law / by Boaz Cohen
New York - s.n. , 1953
Monographic text

Cohen, Boaz
Note on letter and spirit in the New Testament / by Boaz Cohen
Stati Uniti d'America - s.n., 1954? (Cambridge - Harvard University press)
Monographic text

Cohen, Clarence B.
The compressible laminar boundary layer with heat transfer and arbitrary pressure gradient / by Clarence B. Cohen and Eli Reshotko
Washington - NACA, 1955
Monographic text

Cohen, Clarence B.
Similar solutions for the compressible laminar boundary layer with heat transfer and pressure gradient / by Clarence B. Cohen and Eli Reshotko
Washington - NACA, 1955
Monographic text

Cohen, Elie A.
Human behavior in the concentration camp / by Elie A. Cohen ; translated from the dutch by M. H. Braaksma
New York - Norton & company, c1953
Monographic text

Cohen, I. Bernard
Benjamin Franklin - his contribution to the American tradition / I. Bernard Cohen
Indianapolis - Bobbs-Merrill, ©1953
Monographic text

Cohen, Karl
The Theory of isotope separation as applied to large-scale production of U235 /by Karl Cohen ; edited by George M. Murphy
New York - McGraw-Hill, 1951
Monographic text

Cohen, Karl
The theory of isotope separation as applied to the large-scale production of U235 / by Karl Cohen ; edited by George M. Murphy
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1951
Monographic text

Cohen, Lillian
Statistical methods for social scientists - an introduction / Lillian Cohen
NewYork - Prentice-Hall, 1954
Monographic text

Cohen, Morris R.
Readings in Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy / Morris R. Cohen and Felix S. Cohen
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and Company, c1951
Monographic text

Cohen, Morris Raphael
American thought - a critical sketch / Morris R. Cohen ; edited and with a foreword by Felix S. Cohen
Glencoe - The Free Press, c1954
Monographic text

Cohen, Morris Raphael
King Saul's daughter - a biblical dialogue / by Morris Raphael Cohen
Glencoe (Illinois - Free Press, 1952
Monographic text

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