Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 809 of 1877       

Colean, Miles L.
The impact of government on real estate finance in the United States / Miles L. Colean
New York - National bureau of economic research, c1950
Monographic text

Colean, Miles L.
Renewing our cities / by Miles L. Colean
New York - Twentieth Century Fund, 1953
Monographic text

Coleman, Elizabeth Tyler
Priscilla Cooper Tyler and the American scene, 1816-1889 / by Elizabeth Tyler Coleman
(Tuscaloosa) - University of alabama press, 1955. -XIII, 203 p. - 1 ritratto, (4 )carte di tav. ; 24 cm.
Monographic text

Coleman, Laurence Vail
1- A planning study / Laurence Vail Coleman
Washington - American Association of Museums, 1950
It's a part of > Museum buildings / Laurence Vail Coleman
Monographic text

Coleman, Thomas L.
An analysis of acceleration, airspeed and gust-velocity data from a four-engine transport airplane in operations on an eastern United States route / by Thomas L. Coleman and Mary W. Fetner
Washington - NACA, 1955
Monographic text

Coleman, Thomas L.
Analysis of accelerations, gust velociites and airspeeds from operations of a twin-engine transport airplane on a transcontinental route from 1950 to 1952 / by Thomas L. Coleman and Walter G. Walker
Washington - NACA, 1955
Monographic text

Coleman, Thomas L.
Maneuver accelerations experienced by five types of commercial transport airplanes during routine operations / by Thomas L. Coleman and Martin R. Copp
Washington - NACA, 1954
Monographic text

Coleman, William J.
The first apostolic delegation in Rio de Janeiro and its influence in Spanish America - a study in Papal policy, 1830-1840 / a dissertation ... by William J. Coleman
Washington - The Catholic University of America press, 1950
Monographic text

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge on the seventeenth century / edited by Roberta Florence Brinkley ; introduction by Louis I. Bredvold
Durham - Duke university press, 1955
Monographic text

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Selected poetry and prose of Coleridge / edited with an introduction by Donald A. Stauffer
New York - The modern library, 1951
Monographic text

Coles, Willard D.
Experimental determination of thermal conductivity of low-density ice / by Willard D. Coles
Washington - NACA, 1954
Monographic text

Coles, Willard D.
Experimental investigation of sublimation of ice at subsonic and supersonic speeds and its relation to heat transfer / by Willard D. Coles and Robert S. Ruggeri
Washington - NACA, 1954
Monographic text

Coley, Bradley Lancaster
Tumors of bone - a roentgenographic atlas / by Bradley L. Coley and Norman L. Higinbotham
New York, Hoeber, 1953
Monographic text

Colford, William E.
New York - gateway to the U.S.A. - a conversional reader for students of english
New York - American Book Company, 1954
Monographic text

Colin, Charles
Rhythms / by Charles Colin and "Bugs" Bower
New York - Hansen, ©1950

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