Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 935 of 1877       

Eubanks, A. G.
Effect of oxygen content of furnace atmosphere on adherence of vitreous coatings to iron / by A. G. Eubanks and D. G. Moore
Washington - NACA, 1955
Monographic text

Eucken, Walter
The foundations of economics - history and theory in the analysis of economic reality / by Walter Eucken
Chicago - the University of Chicago Press, stampa 1951
Monographic text

The thirteen books of Euclids Elements . The works of Archimedes, including The method . On conic sections / by Apollonius of Perga . Introduction to arithmetic / by Nichomachus of Gerasa
Chicago ; London ; Toronto - Encyclopaedia Britannica, ?1952?
Monographic text

The thirteen books of Euclids elements. The works of Archimedes including the metod. On conic sections / by Apollonius of Perga. Introduction to arithmetic
Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952
Monographic text

The Ion of Euripides / translated into English prose with introduction and notes by D. W. Lucas
New York - Moore, 1950
Monographic text

Eustis, Alvin A.
Hippolyte Taine and the classical genius / by Alvin A. Eustis
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1951
Monographic text

Eustis, Frederic A.
Augustus Hemenway - 1805-1876, builder of the United States trade with the west coast of South America
Salem - Peabody Museum, 1955
Monographic text

Evang, Karl
Public health lectures - medical teaching mission to Israel, september to october 1951 / Karl Evang, John E. Gordon, R.G. Tyler ; sponsored by the World health organization and the Unitarian service committee
Boston - Unitarian service committee, (1952)
Monographic text

Evans, Alexander W.
The Cladoniae of Florida / Alexander W. Evans
New Haven (Connecticut) - Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1952
Monographic text

Evans, Bergen
The natural history of nonsense / Bergen Evans
New York - Knopf, 1953
Monographic text

Evans, Earl Alison
Biochemical studies of bacterial viruses / by E. A. Evans
Chicago - The University of Chicago press, (1952)
Monographic text

Evans, Eva Knox
Something different / (by Eva Knox Evans)
Boston - D. C. Heath, 1955
Monographic text

Evans, F. Bowen
Worldwide communist propaganda activities / edited by F. Bowen Evans
New York - Macmillan Company, 1955
Monographic text

Evans, Frank Bowen
Worldwide communist propagande activities
New York - The Macmillan Co., 1955
Monographic text

Evans, George
Basic economics - a macro and micro-analysis / George Heberton Evans, Jr
New York - Alfred A. Knopf,, 1950
Monographic text

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