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Sheep science / William Garfield Kammlade, Sr. William Garfield Kammlade, Jr Chicago (etc.) - J. B. Lippincott Company, ©1955 Monographic text Kandel, Isaac Léon The new era in education - a comparative study / I. L. Kandel Boston (etc. - Houghton Mifflin company, c1955 Monographic text Kane, E. D. Impact-pressure interpretation in a rarefied gas at supersonic speeds / by E. D. Kane and G. J. Maslach Washington - NACA, 1950 Monographic text Kann, Robert Adolf The multinational empire - nationalism and national reform in the Habsburg monarchy, 1848-1918 / by Robert A. Kann New York - Columbia University, 1950- Monographic text Kant, Fritz Treatment of the alcoholic / by Fritz Kant Springfield (etc) - Charles C Thomas, c1954 Monographic text Kant, Immanuel The Critique of pure reason ; The critique of practical reason and other ethical treatises ; The critique of judgement / by Immanuel Kant Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952 Monographic text Kant, Immanuel The critique of pure reason ; The critique of pratical reason and other ethical treatises ; The critique of judgement / by Immanuel Kant Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monographic text Kantner, J. F. Social and psycological factors affecting fertility - 16. - fertility rates and fertility planning by character of migration New York - Millibank memorial Fund, 1952 Monographic text Kantor, Harry 1- The ideology and program of the peruvian aprista movement / Harry Kantor Berkley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1953 Monographic text Kantor, Jacob R. An objective psychology of grammar / J. R. Kantor Bloomington etc. - The Principia press, 1952 Monographic text Kantor, Mckinlay Lee and Grant at Appomattax / Mackinlay Kantor New York - Random House, 1950 Monographic text Kany, Charles Emil American-spanish syntax / Charles E. Kany Chicago ; London - University of Chicago Press, 1951 Monographic text Kaplan, A. A nonlinear theory of bending and buckling of thin elastic shallow spherical shells / by A. Kaplan and Y. C. Fung Washington - NACA, 1954 Monographic text Kaplan, Abraham Big enterprise in a competitive system / by A. D. H. Kaplan Washington (D.C.) - - The Brookings Institution, 1954 Monographic text Kaplan, Bert A study of Rorschach responses in four culture / by Bert Kaplan Cambridge, Mass. - Peabody museum, 1954 Monographic text |