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Washington, DC - Executive committee of the Convention of American instructors of the deaf, 1986- Magazine American anthropologist - journal of the American anthropological association Washington (DC) - Anthropological society, 1888- Magazine American antiquarian Society , Worchester - s. n. Magazine American art directory New Providence - R. R. Bowker Magazine American art- four exhibitions New York - American Federation of Arts, 1958 Monographic text American artist New York - Watson-Guptill Magazine American artists paint the city - 28. Biennale, Venice 1956 / exhibition assembled by Katharine Kuh Chicago - The Art Institute, ©1956 (Chicago - Lakeside Press) Monographic text American association of industrial nurses journal - the journal of occupational health nursing New York - American association of industrial nurses, 1953-1968 Magazine The American automobile - published monthly / by Mc Graw-Hill international corporation New York - (s.n. Magazine American ballads - folk treasures of the American past in verse and song / compiled by Charles O'Brien Kennedy ; with the assistance of David Jordan New York - Fawcett, c1956 Monographic text American ballads - naughty, ribald and classic / compiled by Charles O'Brien Kennedy ; with the assistance of David Jordan New York - Fawcett, 1956 Monographic text American bar association journal Chicago - American bar association Magazine American bar association. *Section of antitrust law / American bar association Vol. 1 (1952)-vol. 31, 1966 Magazine The American benedictine review / published quarterly by the American Benedictine Review Richardton, ND - American Benedictine Review Magazine The American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies for 1958 / edited by J.T.Shaw Bloomington - Indiana univ., 1959 Monographic text |