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New York - McGraw-Hill, 1959 Monographic text 1- Introduction, Chlorophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, Colourless flagellata , 1956 It's a part of > The structure and reproduction of the Algae / by F. E. Fritsch Monographic text 1- Introduction, notes and appendices Cambridge (Mass.) - Center for East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1959 It's a part of > Ch'ing documents - an introductory Syllabus / compiled by John K. Fairbank Monographic text Introductory electrical engineering / George F. Corcoran, Henry R. Reed New York - Wiley ; London - Chapman & Hall, 1957 Monographic text Introductory organic chemistry - with certain chapters of biochemistry / E. Wertheim, Harold Jeskey New York °etc. - McGraw-Hill, 1956 Monographic text Introductory probability and statistical inference - an experimental course New York - College entrance examination board, c1959 Monographic text 11- The invasion of France and Germany - 1944-1945 Boston - Little, Brown and C., 1957 It's a part of > History of United States naval operations in world war 2. / by Samuel Eliot Morison Monographic text An inventory of social and economic research in health New York - Health information foundation, 1959 Monographic text Investment banking functions - their evolution and adaptation to business finance / Merwin H. Waterman Ann Arbor - Univ. of Michigan, 1958 Monographic text Invitation to poetry - a round of poems from John Skelton to Dylan Thomas arranged with comments / (edited by) Lloyd Frankenberg New York - Dolphin Books, c1956 Monographic text Ion exchange technology / edited by F.C. Nachod, Jack Schubert New York - Academic Press, 1956 Monographic text Ion exchangers in organic and biochemistry / Calvin Calmon and T. R. E. Kressman editors New York - Interscience Publishers, ©1957 Monographic text Iowa's water resources - papers presented at the Seminar on Iowa's Water Resources, Sources, uses, and laws / edited by John F. Timmons, John C.O'Byrne, Richard K. Frevert Ames, Iowa - The Iowa State College press, c1956 Monographic text Iran / Herbert H. Vreeland editor ; contributors - Clifford R. Barnett ...(and others) New Haven - Human Relations Area Files, 1957 Monographic text Iran - miniature persiane, Biblioteca Imperiale / prefazione- Basil Gray ; introduzione- Andre Godard New York - New York Graphic Society ; Paris - UNESCO, c1956 (Milano - A. PIzzi) Monographic text |