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Towson, MD - LaMotte chemical products, 1956 Monographic text 2- Lampyridae, Cantharidae, Malachiidae and Prionoceridae / by W. Wittmer . *Anobiidae / by E. J. Ford . *Bostrychidae / by Michio Chûjô . *Endomychidae / by H. F. Strohecker Honolulu - published by the Museum, 1958 It's a part of > ?16- ?Coleoptera. 2, Cantharoidea, Mordelloidea, Elaterioidea ... Monographic text Land / a cura di The United States department of agriculture Washington, D.C. - The United States government printing office, 1958 It's a part of > Yearbook of agriculture / United States Department of agriculture Monographic text The land - a quarterly magazine Baltimore - published by Friends of the Land at the Waverly Press Magazine Land - the yearbook of agriculture 1958 - 85th congress, 2. session / The United States Department of Agriculture Washington - The United States Government printing office, (1958) Monographic text Land economics Madison - University of Wiscosin, 1948- Magazine Land use in Philadelphia - 1944-1954 / Philadelphia City Planning Commission Philadelphia (Penn.) - Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1956 Monographic text Landscape The place of publication is not referred - Blair Boyd Magazine Landscape architecture Washington - American society of landscape architects Magazine Landscapes of Alaska - their geologic evolution / ed. by Howel Williams Berkeley - Los Angeles - University of California press, c1958 Monographic text Landscaping for modern living / by the editors of Sunset magazine ; under the direction of Walter L. Doty, Paul C. Johnson California - Lane publishing co., (1958?) Monographic text Landslides and engineering practice / ed. E. B. Eckel Washington - Highway Research Board , copyr. 1958 Monographic text Language - journal of the Linguistic society of America Baltimore - Waverly Press, 1925- Magazine Language arts - Official Journal of the National Council of Teachers of English Urbana - NCTE Magazine Language dissertations Magazine |