Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1956-1959

Page no. 1436 of 1616       

Society for the study of development and growth.
Rhythmic and synthetic processes in growth / Theodore T. Puck ... (and others) ; edited by Dorothea Rudnick
Princeton, N. J. - Princeton university press
Monographic text

Society of actuaries
Build and blood pressure study / Society of Actuaries
Chicago - Society ofActuaries, 1959
Monographic text

Society of American bacteriologists - Committee on bacteriological technic
Manual of microbiological methods / by the Society of american bacteriologists
New York (etc.) - Mc Graw Hill, 1957
Monographic text

Society of motion picture and television engineers
Elements of color in professional motion pictures / prepared by a special committee of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers ; Wilton R. Holm...(and others)
New York - Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, c1957
Monographic text

Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME
Well logging
(Dallas) - Society of petroleum engineers of AIME, (1958?)
Monographic text

Soderberg, P. M.
The care of your cat / by P. M. Soderberg ; with 16 pages of photographs by Muzzie
New York - Harper & Brothers, c1957
Monographic text

Soderberg, Yngve Edward
Drawing boats and ships / by Yngve Edward Soderberg
New York (etc. - Pitman, c1959
Monographic text

Sodi-Pallares, Demetrio
New bases of electrocardiography / Demetrio Sodi-Pallares ; with the collaboration of Royall M. Calder
St. Louis - Mosby, 1956
Monographic text

Soffer, Luis J.
Diseases of the endocrine glands / Louis J. Soffer
Philadelphia - Lea & Febiger, 1956
Monographic text

Sokel, Walter Herbert
The writer in extremis - expressionism in twentieth-century German literature / Walter H. Sokel
Stanford - Stanford University Press, 1959
Monographic text

Sokolich, Alexander F.
Canonical provision for universities and colleges - A historical synopsis and a commentary / Alexander F. Sokolich
Washington - The Catholic University of America Press, 1956
Monographic text

Sokolnikoff, Ivan Stephen
Mathematical theory of elasticity / I. S. Sokolnikoff
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1956
Monographic text

Sokolnikoff, Ivan Stephen
Mathematics of physics and modern engineering / I. S. Sokolnikoff, R. M. Redheffer
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill Book Company ; Tokyo - Kogakusha Company, c1958
Monographic text

Sokolnikoff, Ivan Stephen
Mathematics of physics and modern engineering / I. S. Sokolnikoff, R. M. Redheffer
New York - McGraw-Hill Book Company, c1958
Monographic text

Sokoloff, Boris
The white nights - pages from a Russian doctor's notebook / Boris Sokoloff
New York - Devin-Adair, 1956
Monographic text

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