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Cincinnati - Anderson company, c1960 It's a part of > Page on the law of wills - revised treatise - including probate, will contests, evidence, taxation, conflicts, estate planning, forms and statutes relating to wills / by William J. Bowe and Douglas H... Monographic text 2 / William L. Mosby New York ; London - Interscience publ., 1961 It's a part of > Heterocyclic systems with bridgehead nitrogen atoms / William L. Mosby Monographic text 2 / William Snow Burnside and Arthur William Panton ; edited by M. W. J. Fry New York - Dover, 1960 It's a part of > The theory of equations - with an introduction to the theory of binary algebraic forms / by William Snow Burnside and Arthur William Panton Monographic text 2 / with an english translation by W. R. Paton Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University press ; London - Heinemann, 1960 It's a part of > The Histories - in six volumes / Polybius ; with an English translation by W. R. Paton Monographic text 2 - 20 March 1780-23 February 1781 / edited by William T. Hutchinson and William M. E. Rachal , 1962 It's a part of > The papers of James Madison / edited by William T. Hutchinson and William M. E. Rachal ; editorial staff- Jean Schneider ... (et al. Monographic text 2 - Chicago - Phoenix Books, 1960 It's a part of > The Meaning of Shakespeare / Harold C. Goddard Monographic text 2 - Miscrospectroscopy thru Zythum, and supplements It's a part of > Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language Monographic text 2 - Studies in Renaissance science / edited by Robert M. Palter New York - Noonday Press, (1961) It's a part of > Toward modern science / edited by Robert M. Palter Monographic text 2 - ?((?Saint Lawrence of Brindisi Doctor of the Universal Church)) Washington - Capuchin Educational Conference Capuchin College, 1961 It's a part of > Saint Lawrence of Brindisi Doctor of the Universal Church - Report of the Commemorative Ceremonies in honor of St. Lawrence of Brindisi (...) sponsored by the Capuchin Friars of North America, (...) Monographic text 2, books 3.20 to 4.20 / Calvin Philadelphia - The Westminster press, c1960 It's a part of > Institutes of the christian religion / Calvin ; edited by John T. McNeill ; translated and indexed by Ford Lewis Battles Monographic text 2. - The shaper, the planer, the milling machine, the grinding machine, hydraulics, metal band saws, metallurgy, cutting fluids / Henry D. Burghardt, Aaron Axelrod and James Anderson. - 4. ed. - New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c1960. - XIV, 681 p. - ill. ; 21 cm. It's a part of > Machine tool operation / Henry D. Burghardt, Aaron Axelrod and James Anderson Monographic text 2. / American Vacuum Society, International Organization for Vacuum Science and Technology ; under the editorial supervision of Luther E. Preuss Oxford (etc.) - published by the symposium publications division - Pergamon Press, 1962 It's a part of > 1961 transactions of the eighth national vacuum symposium - combined with the second international congress on vacuum science and technology / American Vacuum Society, International Organization for ... Monographic text 2. / by Oscar Zarinski and Pierre Samuel Princeton (N.J.) - Van Nostrand, c1960 It's a part of > Commutative algebra / by Oscar Zariski and Pierre Samuel ; with the cooperation of I. S. Cohen Monographic text 2. / Design standards subcommittee, SAE transmission committee New York - Society of automotive engineers, c1962 It's a part of > Design practices - passenger car automatic transmissions Monographic text 2. / edited by Henry H. Hausner New York ; London - Academic Press, ©1960 It's a part of > Modern materials - advances in development and applications / edited by Henry H. Hausner ; (poi) Bruce W. Gonser Monographic text |