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Houston - National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1945- Magazine Corrosion abstracts / National Association of Corrosion Engineers Houston (TX) - National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1962- Magazine Corrosion and protection of materials used in industrial equipment / Edited by I. Ya. Klinov New York - Consultants Bureau, 1962 Monographic text Corrosion data survey / compiled by G. A. Nelson Emeryville - Shell Development Company, 1960 Monographic text Cosa Rome - American academy in Rome It's a part of > ?3- The ?building in the Forum / F. E. Brown, E. H. Richardson, L. Jr. Richardson Monographic text Vol. 21- Cosmic-ray results - Huancayo (Perú) January 1956-December, 1959. Instituto Geofisico de Huancayo ; Cheltenham (Maryland) January 1956-October 4, 1956, Fredericksburgí (Virginia) October 5, 1956-December 1959 / ?by? Liselotte Beach, S. E. Forbush. , 1961 It's a part of > Researches of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Monographic text Cosmopolitan world atlas New York ; Chicago ; San Francisco - Rand Mc Nally, 1962 Monographic text Cost control of spoiled work New York - National Association of Accountants, 1961 Monographic text The cost of a Schoolhouse / a report from Educational Facilities Laboratories New York - Educational Facilities Laboratories, 1960 Monographic text Costantin Brancusi 1876-1957 - sculpture, drawings, gouaches - (Staempfli Gallery, november 29 to december 21, 1960) New York - Staempfli Gallery, 1960 Monographic text Costumes for your antique dolls New York - Merrimack publishing corp., (196-?) Monographic text Cotton fertilization on Campo Cerrado soils State of Sao Paulo, Brazil / (by) A. C. MacClung ... (and others) New York - IBEC Research Institute, 1961 Monographic text The Council of Constance - the unification of the Church / Transl. by Louise Ropes Loomis ; ed. and annotated by John Hine Mundy and Kennerly M. Woody New York ; London - Columbia University Press, 1961 Monographic text Counseling - readings in theory and practice / (Edited by) J. F. McGowan, L. D. Schmidt (et. a.) New York - Holt, Rinehart & Winston, (1962) Monographic text Counseling points of view - proceedings of the Minnesota counselors association midwinter conference, 1958 / editor Willis E. Dugan Minneapolis - the University of Minnesota press, 1961 Monographic text |