Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1960-1962

Page no. 261 of 1780       

4- Educational conditions
New York - United Nations, 1961
It's a part of > Progress of the non-self-governing territories under the charter
Monographic text

The educational forum
New York - Kappa delta pi

Educational leadership / Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A
Washington - National Education Association

Educational method / published by the Department of supervisors and directors of instruction of the National education association of the United States
Washington (D.C.) - s.n.

Educational programs for gifted pupils - a report to the Californian legislature ... (ecc.) / R.E. Simpson and R.A. Martinson
Sacramento - California State Education Department, 1961
Monographic text

The educational record / published quarterly by the American Council on education
Washinghton DC - American Council on education, 1920-1997

Educational screen & audio-visual guide
Chicago - s.n.

Educational Series / State of Missouri, Department of Business and Administration, Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources
Rolla - Missouri Geological Survey & Water Resources, 1962

Educational television - the next ten years - a report and summary of major studies on the problems and potential of educational television / conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Office of Education
Stanford - the Institute for communication research, 1962
Monographic text

Educational theory - a medium of expression for the John Dewey Society and the Philosophy of Education Society
Columbus - Spar & Glenn ; New Brunswick - Standard press

Edward Bellamy abroad - an American profet's influence / Sylvia E. Bowman, and others ; preface by Maurice Le Breton
New York - Twayne, 1962
Monographic text

Edward Sapir - culture, language and personality / selected essays edited by David G. Mandelbaum
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press, 1961
Monographic text

Edwardians and late Victorians - English Institute essays, 1959 / edited with a foreword by Richard Ellmann
New York - Columbia University Press, 1960
Monographic text

Effect of package type on stored flour and farina / By R. K. Larmour ... (and others
St. Paul - American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1961
Monographic text

The effect of the Louisville watterson expressway - on land use and land values / Bureau of business research, college of commerce, University of Kentucky
Lexington - University of Kentucky, 1960
Monographic text

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