Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1960-1962

Page no. 1190 of 1780       

Kelley, K. K.
14 - Entropies of the elements and inorganic compounds / by K. K. Kelley and E. G. King
Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1961
It's a part of > Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy / by K. K. Kelley
Monographic text

Kelley, Kenneth Keith
Heats and free energies of formation of anhydrous silicates / by K. K. Kelley
Washington - United States Departiment of the interior, Bureau of Mines, 1962
Monographic text

Kelley, Maurice
This great argument - a study of Milton's De doctrina Christiana as a gloss upon Paradise Lost / Maurice Kelley
Gloucester (Mass.) - P. Smith, 1962
Monographic text

Kelley, Pearce C.
How to organize and operate a small business / Pearce C. Kelley, Kenneth Lawyer
Englewood Cliff (N.J.) - Prentice-Hall, 1961
Monographic text

Kellogg, Winthrop Niles
Porpoises and sonar / Winthrop N. Kellogg
Chicago - Chicago university press, c1961
Monographic text

Kellum, Lewis B.
Upper cretaceous mollusca from Niobrara county, Wyoming / Lewis B. Kellum
(The place of publication is not referred s.n., 1962?)
Monographic text

Kelly, George A.
Overpopulation - a catholic view / George A. Kelly
New York- Paulist, 1960
Monographic text

Kelly, Kenneth L.
Coordinated color identifications for industry / Kenneth L. Kelly
Washington - U. S. department of commerce, National bureau of standards, 1962
Monographic text

Kelly, Sherwin F.
Geophysical exploration for water by electrical resistivity / Sherwin F. Kelly
Boston (Massachusetts) - (s.n.), 1962
Monographic text

Kelly, Thomas C. (Langley Research Center)
Aerodynamic loading characteristics at mach numbers from 0.80 to 1.20 of a 1/10-scale three-stage Scout model / By Thomas C. Kelly
Washington - NASA, 1961
Monographic text

Kelly, Thomas C. (Langley Research Center)
Investigation of the static longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a 1/10-scale model of the Blue Scout Jr. at mach numbers from 0.40 to 1.03 / By Thomas C. Kelly and Robert J. Keynton
Washington - NASA, 1962
Monographic text

Kelly, Thomas C. (Langley Research Center)
Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the fin loads on a 1/8 scale model simulating the first stage of the Scout research vehicle / By Thomas C. Kelly
Washington - NASA, 1961
Monographic text

Kelly, Thomas C. (Langley Research Center)
Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of several configurations of the Scout vehicle and of a number of related models / By Thomas C. Kelly
Washington - NASA, 1961
Monographic text

Kelly, Walt (fumettista)
Jack Acid Society black book - by Pogo / as told to Walt Kelly
New York - Simon and Schuster, 1962
Monographic text

Kelly, Walt (fumettista)
Pogo à la Sundae / by Walt Kelly
New York - Simon and Schuster, 1961
Monographic text

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