Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1960-1962

Page no. 1193 of 1780       

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
John F. Kennedy - containing the public messages, speeches, and statements of the President - january 20 to december 31, 1961 - 1961 / John F. Kennedy
Washington - United States Government printing office, 1962
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Profiles in courage
New York - Pocket books, 1961
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Profiles in courage / John F. Kennedy
New York - Harper & Row, 1961
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Profiles in courage / John F. Kennedy ; illustrations by Emil Weiss
Young readers ed. abridged - New York - Harper & brothers, c1961
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
1- The speeches, remarks, press conferences and statements of Senator John F. Kennedy
Washington - U.S. Government, 1961
It's a part of > Freedom of communications - final report of the Committee on commerce United States Senate / prepared by its subcommittee of the subcommittee of communications
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
The strategy of peace / John F. Kennedy ; edited by Allan Nevins
New York - Harper & brothers, ©1960
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
The strategy of peace / John F. Kennedy ; edited by Allan Nevins
New York - Popular Library, 1961
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
To turn the tide / introduction by President Kennedy ; edited by John W. Garder ; foreword by Carl Sandburg
New York - Popular Library, 1962
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
To turn the tide - a selection from President Kennedy's public statements from his election through the 1961 adjournment of Congress, setting forth the goals of his first legislative year / John F. Kennedy ; edited by John W. Gardner ; foreword by Carl Sandbung ; introduction by President Kennedy
New York - Harper & Brothers, c1962
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Why England slept / John F. Kennedy
New York - W. Funk, 1961
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Pendleton
Horse-shoe Robinson / by John Pendleton Kennedy ; edited with an introduction, chronology and bibliography by Ernest E. Leisy
New York and London - Hafner, 1962
Monographic text

Kennedy, Joseph C.
Corporate trust administration / Joseph C. Kennedy
New York - University Press, 1961
Monographic text

Kennedy, Ralph Dale
Financial statements - form, analysis and interpretation / by Raloh Dale Kennedy and Stewart Yarwood McMullen. -4th ed
Homewood, Ill. - R. D. Irwin, 1962
Monographic text

Kennedy, Ralph Dale
Questions and problems for financial statements - form, analysis, and interpretation
Homewood (Ill.) - R. D. Irwin, 1962
Monographic text

Kennedy, Richard Jay
Short term / Jay Richard kennedy
New York - New American Library, 1961
Monographic text

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