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Galen of Pergamon Lawrence (Kansas) - Univ. of Kansas press, 1965 Monographic text Sarton, George (1884-1956) (2)- Hellenistic science and culture in the last three centuries B. C. / by George Sarton New York - John Wiley & sons, 1965 It's a part of > A history of science / by George Sarton Monographic text Sarton, George (1884-1956) A history of science / by George Sarton New York - John Wiley & Sons, 1964- . Monographic text Sarton, George (1884-1956) Introduction to the history of science ... / Publ. for the Carnegie Institution of Washington, by The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins, 1962- . It's a part of > Publication / Carnegie Institution of Washington . Monographic text Sarton, George (1884-1956) The study of the history of mathematics and the study of the history of science / by George Sarton New York - Dover, c1963 Monographic text Sartori, Giovanni Democratic theory / by Giovanni Sartori ; based on the author's translation of Democrazia e definizione (2d ed.) New York (erc.) - Praeger, c1965 Monographic text Sartori, Giovanni Democratic theory / Giovanni Sartori New York etc. - Praeger, c1965 Monographic text Sartori, Giovanni A rejoinder / by Giovanni Sartori The place of publication is not referred - s.n. 1965? Monographic text Sartre, Jean-Paul The Words / Jean Paul Sartre ; translated from the french by Bernard Frechtman New York - G. Braziller, c1964 Monographic text Sarxian, Wardan Hymns of the armenian church - jashou hymns for resurrection sundays / music by Wardan Sarxian ; published by Torkom Monoogian Oakland - (s.n.), 1964 Monographic text Sass, A. R. Magnetic field of a finite helical solenoid / by A. R. Sass and James C. Stoll Washington - NASA, 1963 Monographic text Sassi, Giuseppe Antonio 1. Historia literario-typographica mediolanensis ... ; adjecta sunt Appendix epistolarum, quae libris ... affixae legebantur; et Catalogus codicum Mediolani impressorum ab anno 1465 ad annum 1500 / auctore Joseph Antonio Saxio Ridgewood, N.J. - The Gregg press, stampa 1965 It's a part of > ?Philippi Argelati bononiensis ?Bibliotheca scriptorum mediolanensium, seu acta, et elogia virorum omnigena eruditione illustrium, qui in metropoli Insubriae, oppidisque circumjacentibus orti sunt ..... Monographic text Satlow, I. David Teaching business subjects effectively / David I. Satlow New YorK - Teachers Practical Press, (1964) Monographic text Sauchelli, Vincent Phospates in agriculture / Vincent Sauchelli New York - Reinhold publishing ; London - Chapman & Hall, c1965 Monographic text Sauchelli, Vincent Phosphates in agriculture / Vincent Sauchelli New York - Reinhold publishing corporation ; London - Chapman & Hall, c1965 Monographic text |