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It's a part of > Control of human behavior / (edited by) Roger Ulrich, Thomas Stachnik, John Mabry Monographic text New York - Russell & Russell, 1966 It's a part of > The dramatic works and poems of James Shirley / now first collected with notes by the late William Gifford ; and additional notes and some account of Shirley and his writings by Alexander Dyce Monographic text New York - Hacker art books, 1966 It's a part of > Mediaeval gardens - "flowery medes" and other arrangements of herbs, flowers and shrubs grown in the middle ages, with some account of Tudor, Elizabethan and Stuart gardens / by Frank Crisp ; edited ... Monographic text New York - AMS Press, 1966 It's a part of > Reliquiae antiquae - Scraps from ancient manuscripts, illustrating chiefly early English literature and the English language / edited by Thomas Wright and James Orchard Halliwell Monographic text Gloucester, Mass. - Peter Smith, 1966 It's a part of > Letters of James Gillespie Birney - 1831-1857 / edited by Dwight L. Dumond Monographic text New York ; London - Interscience publishers, c1967 It's a part of > ?3- ?Analytical chemistry in industry. Monographic text New York - International music company, ©1967 It's a part of > Orchestral excerpts from the symphonic repertoire for flute / compiled by John Wummer Music Cambridge, Mass. - The M. I. T. Press, 1967 It's a part of > Communism in Europe - continuity, change and the Sino-Soviet dispute / edited by William E. Griffith Monographic text New York - Grolier, c1967 It's a part of > The New Webster encyclopedic dictionary of the English language / Virginia S. Thatcher, ed. in chief. ; Alexander McQueen, adv. ed. ; ed. staff- Margaret L. Smith... (et al. Monographic text Chicago - New Horizons Publishers, 1967 It's a part of > Above and beyond - the encyclopedia of aviation and space sciences Monographic text Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1967 It's a part of > ?2- ?Liber custumarum - with extracts from the Cottonian Ms. Claudius, D.2. / edited by Henry Thomas Riley Monographic text New York - A. M. Kelley, 1967 It's a part of > The works political, metaphisical & chronological of sir James Steuart - in six volumes Monographic text Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1967 It's a part of > ?2- ?Contributions to probability theory. Monographic text New York - Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967 It's a part of > The history of Alexander the Great / by Charles Alexander Robinson Jr Monographic text New York - Kelley, 1967 It's a part of > The common sense of political economy, and selected papers and reviews on economic theory / by Philip H. Wicksteed ; edited with an introduction by Lionel Robbins Monographic text |