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Lawrence - University of Kansas libraries, 1966 Monographic text Bibliography / National Research Council, Highway Research Board Washington - Highway Research Board. Magazine Bibliography - current state and future trends / edited by Robert B. Downs and Frances B. Jenkins Urbana (etc.) - University of Illinois press, 1967 Monographic text Bibliography - vol. 83 N. 3 New York - Oxford Universiti Press, 1968 Monographic text Vol. 7- Bibliography and bibliography periodicals It's a part of > Widener library shelflist - classification schedule, classified listing by call number, alphabetical listing by author title, chronological listing Monographic text Bibliography and index of geology exclusive of North America Washington - Geological Society of America, 1933- Monographic text Bibliography and index of geology exclusive of North America / Geological Society of America -32, 1968 Magazine Bibliography and index of geology exclusive of north America - September 1968 / Geological Society of America Boulder, Col. - GSA, 1968 Monographic text Bibliography and the historian - the conference at Belmont of the Joint committee on bibliographical services to history, May 1967 / edited by Dagmar Horna Perman Santa Barbara (CA) ; Washington - CLIO, c1968 Monographic text Bibliography of agriculture / United states of america. Department of agriculture library Washington Washington (DC) - U.S. Department of agriculture, 1942- Magazine Vol. 3- Bibliography of bibliographies in political science, government, and public policy / An annotated and intensively indexed compilation of significant books, pamphlets, and articles, selected and processed by the Universal Reference System ; prepared under the dir. of Alfred De Grazia, general editor... and others , 1967 It's a part of > Universal Reference System - political science, government, and public policy series Monographic text Bibliography of Captain James Cook, R.N.F.R.S., circumnavigator - comprising the collections in the Mitchell Library and General reference Library, the private collections of William Dixson and J. A. Ferguson and items of special interest in the National Library, Canberra; the Australasian pioneers' Club, Sydney and in the Collection of the Kurnell Trust New York - Franklin, 1968 Monographic text 2- A bibliography of christian philosophy and contemporary issues / edited by George F. McLean New York - F. Ungar, c1967 It's a part of > Philosophy in the 20. century- catholic and christian / edited by George F. McLean Monographic text Bibliography of critical and bibliographical references for the study of contemporary French literature - books and articles published from 1940 to 1948 / Bibliography committee for French VII of the Modern language association of America New York - French institute, 1967 Monographic text Vol. 2- A bibliography of criticisme , 1967 It's a part of > Thomas Mann studies Monographic text |