Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 1406 of 2459       

Gentry, Dwight L.
Elements of business enterprise / Dwight L. Gentry and Charles A. Taff
New York - Ronald press, c1966
Monographic text

Gentry, Garl L.
Jet-induced lift losses on VTOL configurations hovering in and out of ground effect / by Garl L. Gentry and Richard J. Margason
Washington - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1966
Monographic text

Genzmer, Erich
A civil lawyers critical views on comparative legal history / Erich Genzmer
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1967?)
Monographic text

Geological society of America
Abstracts for 1967 - abstracts of papers submitted for seven meetings with which the society was associated / The geological society of America
Boulder, Co. - The geological society of America, 1968
It's a part of > Special paper / Geological Society of America
Monographic text

Geological Society of America - Division on Engeneering Geology
Engeneering Geology Case Histories
New York - Geological society of America, 1957-
Monographic text

Geophysical Society of Tulsa
The proceedings of the Geophysical society of Tulsa
(Tulsa - Geophysical Society), 1953-

George, Alexander L.
The Chinese communist army in action - the korean war and its aftermath / by Alexander L. 0eorge
New York ; London - Columbia University press, c1967
Monographic text

George, Alexander L.
Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House - a personality study / Alexander L. George and Juliette L. George
New York - Dover publications, c1964
Monographic text

George, Claude Swanson
The history of management thought / Claude S. George, Jr
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. - Prentice-Hall, c1968
Monographic text

George, Henry
Progresso e povertà - indagine sulle cause delle crisi industriali e dell'aumento della povertà in mezzo all'aumento della ricchezza - il rimedio / di Henry George ; traduzione (dall'inglese) di Ludovico Eusebio
New York - R. Schalkenbach Foundation, 1967
Monographic text

George, Jack F.
School athletic administration - a textbook for professional students and a guide for local athletic directors / Jack F. George, Harry A. Lehmann
New York - Harper & Row, (1966)
Monographic text

George, James jr.
Constitutional limitations on evidence in criminal cases / by B. James George
Hutchins Hall ; Ann Arbor - Institute of Continuing Legal Education, c1966
Monographic text

George, James jr.
Constitutional limitations-1967 / by B. James George
Hutchins Hall ; Ann Arbor - Institute of Continuing Legal Education, c1967
Monographic text

George, John Caleekal
Avian myology / J. C. George, A. J. Berger
New York ; London - Academic press, 1966
Monographic text

Georges, Robert A.
Studies on mythology / edited by Robert A. Georges
Homewood - Dorsey ; Nobleton - Irwin-Dorsey, 1968
Monographic text

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