Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 344 of 2606       

Characterization of polymers - encyclopedia reprints / edited by Norbert M. Bikales
New York (etc.) - Wiley, 1971
Monographic text

Charles Biederman - April 1971, Dayton's Gallery 12, Minneapolis
Minneapolis - Dayton's Gallery 12, (1971?)
Monographic text

Charles Demuth - the mechanical encrusted on the living - an exhibition / by David Gedhard (i.e. Gebhard) and Phyllis Plous for the art galleries- University of California, Santa Barbara, October 5 to November 14, 1971 ..
Santa Barbara - University of California, ©1971
Monographic text

Charles F.A. Voysey, architect / an exhibition organized by David Gebhard for the Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara - Rood Associates, c1970
Monographic text

Chartres cathedral - illustrations, introductory essay, documents, analysis, criticism / edited by Robert Branner
New York ; London - Norton, 1969
Monographic text

Le Chastoiement d'un père à son fils - a critical edition / ed. by Edward D. Montgomer, jr.
Chapel Hill - The University of North Carolina press, 1971
Monographic text

The Chaucer review - a journal of medieval studies and literary criticism
University park - published with the cooperation of the Chaucer group of modern language association by the Pennsylvania state university press

Check list of 16. Century editions of works of 16. Century Latin authors / Ed. by M. A. Shaaber
New York - The Renaissance Society of America
Monographic text

Chemical abstracts ... collective index - a publication of the Chemical abstracts service
Easton (PA) - American chemical society, 1963-

Chemical abstracts / American chemical society
Easton (PA) - Chemical publishing company, 1907-

Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index
Columbus, OH- American Chemical Society, 1984-

Chemical abstracts. Biochemical sections
Washington - American chemical society, 1962-

Chemical abstracts. Collective index - a publication of the Chemical abstracts service
Columbus, Ohio - American chemical society, 1976

32- Chemical analysis of metals ; sampling and analysis of metal bearing ores / Committee E-32 on emission spectroscopy, E-3 on chemical analysis of metals, E-16 on sampling and analysis of metal bearing ores and related materials
Philadelphia - ASTM, 1969
It's a part of > 1969 book of ASTM standards - with related material / ASTM
Monographic text

Chemical and biological hazards in food / edited by J. C. Ayres ... (and others)
New York ; London - Hafner, 1969
Monographic text

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