Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 349 of 2606       

Childhood and adolescence - scientific proceedings of the American academy of psychoanalysis / edited by Jules H. Masserman
New York ; London - Grune & Stratton, 1969
Monographic text

Childhood education - journal of the Association for childhood education international
Washington - Association for Childhood Education International, 1925? -

Children - a professional journal on services for children and on child life
Washington - US Department of Helalth, Education, and Welfare, 1954-

Children against schools - education of the delinquent, disturbed, disruptive / edited by Paul S. Graubard
Chicago - Follett educational corporation, Parkinson division, c1969
Monographic text

Children and poverty - some sociological and psychological perspectives / edited by Nona Y. Glazer and Carol F. Creedon
Chicago - McNally, c1968
Monographic text

Children and youth in America - a documentary history / editor Robert H. Bremner
Cambridge, Mass. - Harward University press, 1970-
Monographic text

The children of immigrants in schools / with an introductory essay by Francesco Cordasco
Metuchen, N.J. - Scarecrow Reprint Corp
Monographic text

Children of the kibbutz / Melford E. Spiro ; with the assistance of Audrey G. Spiro
New York - Schocken books, stampa 1970
Monographic text

Children's catalog / edited by Estelle A. Fidell
New York - H.W. Wilson Company, 1971
Monographic text

Children's catalog - a classified catalog of ... children's book recommended for public and school libraries - with an author, title and subject index

Children's rights toward the liberation of the child - Paul Adams, Leila Berg, Nan Berger ... / Introd. by Paul Goodman
New York ; Washington - Praeger, 1971
Monographic text

Chiles agricultural economy - a bibliography - a bibliography of materials dealing with Chile in the Land Tenure Center Library / compiled by the staff of the Land Tenure Center Library, (by) Teresa Anderson
Madison - University of Wisconsin, Land Tenure Center Library, 1970
Monographic text

Chiles agricultural economy - a bibliography - a supplement to the bibliography of materials dealing with Chile in the Land Tenure Center Library / compiled by the staff of the Land Tenure Center Library, (by) Teresa Anderson
Madison - University of Wisconsin, Land Tenure Center Library, 1971
Monographic text

A chime of windbells - a year of japanese haiku in english verse / translations with an essay by Harold Stewart
Rutland (Vermont) ; Tokyo - Tuttle, 1975
Monographic text

China / edited by Harley Farnsworth MacNair ; chapters by Florence Ayscough ... and others
Freeport, New York - Books for libraries press, 1970
Monographic text

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