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Boston - Lietuviu enciklopedijos Leidykla, c1953-1969 Monographic text Lietuviu tautos praeitis - istorijos ir gretimuju sriciu neperiodinis leidinys Chicago - Lietuviu istorijos draugija, 1971 - Magazine Life (Chicago, Ill.) - Time Inc Magazine The life and death of Jack Straw - date of first known edition 1593 ; reproduced in facsimile 1911 / edited by John S. Farmer New York - AMS Press, 1970 Monographic text The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy - in four volumes. / with an introduction by Wilbur L. Cross. It's a part of > The complete works and life of Laurence Sterne Monographic text 6- Life by Percy Fitzgerald - including Memoirs of the life of the family of the late rev. mr. Laurence Stern written by himself, vols. 1. and 2 New York - AMS Press, 1970 It's a part of > The complete works and life of Laurence Sterne Monographic text Life cycle and achievement in America / edited by Rose Laub Coser New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, 1969 Monographic text 1- Life history data on freshwater fishes of the United States and Canada,exlusive of the perciformes / Kenneth D. Carlander Ames - Iowa state university, c1969 It's a part of > Handbook of freshwater fishery biology / Kenneth D. Carlander Monographic text Life history research in psychopathology / Merrill Roff and David F. Ricks, editors Minneapolis - University of Minnesota press, 1970 Monographic text 2- Life in the cities, towns, and countryside / Edited with an introduction by Louise E. Sweet Garden City (N.Y.) - Published for the American Museum of Natural History ; the Natural History Press, c1970 It's a part of > Peoples and cultures of the Middle East - An anthropological reader / Edited with an introduction by Louise E. Sweet Monographic text Life insurance fact book New York - Institute of life insurance Magazine The life of Saint Dominic in old French verse / critically ed. by Warren Francis Manning New York - Kraus Repr., 1969 Monographic text The life portraits of John Quincy Adams Washington - The National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian Institution, 1970 Monographic text Life sciences New York (NY) (etc. - Pergamon, 1962-1969 Magazine 2- The life sciences / V. Lawrence Parsegian ... (and others) New York ; London - Academic press, c1970 It's a part of > Introduction to natural science / V, Lawrence Parsegian ... (et al.) Monographic text |