Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 745 of 2606       

Physiology & behavior
New York, N.Y. (etc. - Pergamon press, 1966-

Physiology / by 11 authors ; edited by Ewald E. Selkurt
Boston - Little, Brown and Company, c1971
Monographic text

The physiology and biochemistry of muscle as a food, 2 / edited by E. J. Briskey, R. G. Cassens, B. B. Marsh
Madison etc. - University of Wisconsin press, 1970
Monographic text

Physiology and pathology of trophoblastic tumors "in vivo" and "in vitro" / (editor Bernard G. Steinetz)
New York - The New York Academy of Sciences, 1971
Monographic text

Physiology and pathology of trophoblastic tumors in vivo and in vitro / editor Bernard G. Steinetz
New York (N.Y.) - New York Academy of Sciences, 1971
It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences
Monographic text

Physiology and pharmacology of local anesthesia / by Rudolph H. de Jong
Springfield - Charles C. Thomas, 1970
Monographic text

6A- Physiology of development - plants and their reproduction / edited by F. C. Steward
New York - Academic press, 1971
It's a part of > Plant physiology - a treatise / edited by F. C. Steward
Monographic text

6- Physiology of development.
It's a part of > Plant physiology - a treatise / edited by F. C. Steward
Monographic text

Physiology of prematurity / edited by Jonathan T. Lanman ; (poi) Muriel Kowlessar
New York. (N.Y.) - Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
Monographic text

Physiology of work capacity and fatigue / compiled and edited by Ernst Simonson ; with a foreword by Ancel Keys
Springfield - Thomas, ©1971
Monographic text

Physiology, environment, and man - based on a symposium conducted by the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, August, 1966 / edited by Douglas H. K. Lee and David Minard
New York ; London - Academic Press, 1970
Monographic text

Phytologia - an international journal to expedite botanical and phytoecological publication
V. 1 (Dec. 1933)-

Phytopathology - official organ of the American Phytopathological Society
New York - °American phytopathological society), 1911-

Piano concerto in C major K 503 - the score in new Mozart edition ... / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; edited by Joseph Kerman
New York ; London - Norton, c1970
Monographic text

Picasso - histoire naturelle de buffon - 31 cancelled original copper plates - Weintraub Gallery, New York, November 1971
New York - Weintraub Gallery, (1971?
Monographic text

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