Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 1803 of 2606       

Knoepflmacher, Ulrich Camillus
Religious humanism and the Victorian novel - George Eliot, Walter Pater and Samuel Butler / by U. C. Knoepflmacher
Princeton - Princeton University press, 1970
Monographic text

Knoll, Erwin
American militarism 1970 - a dialogue on the distortion of our national priorities and the need to reassert control over the defense establishment / edited by Erwin Knoll, Judith Nies Mcfadden ; epilogue by J. William Fulbright
New York - The Viking Press, 1969
Monographic text

Knoll, R. E.
Christopher Marlowe / by Robert E. Knoll
New York - Twayne Publishers, 1969
Monographic text

Knopf, Alfred A.
The Emergence of the Middle East - 1914-1924 / Howard M. Sachar
New York - Knopf, 1969
Monographic text

Knopp, Konrad
Theory and application of infinite series / by Konrad Knopp ; translated from the second German edition and revised in accordance with the fourth by R. C. H. Young
New York - Hafner, 1971
Monographic text

Knopp, Marvin I.
Modular functions in analytic number theory / Marvin I. Knopp
Chicago - Markham, ©1970
Monographic text

Knopp, Marvin I.
Theory of area / Marvin I. Knopp
Chicago - Markham Publishing Company, 1969
Monographic text

Knorr, Klaus Eugen
Military power and potential / Klaus Knorr
Lexington, Mass. - Heath, c1970
Monographic text

Knott, John Ray
Milton's pastoral vision - an approach to «Paradise Lost»
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago Press, 1971
Monographic text

Knott, Margaret
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation - pattern and techniques / Margaret Knott, Dorothy E. Voss
New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, 1969
Monographic text

Knowles, John
The paragon - a novel
New York - Random House, c1971
Monographic text

Knowles, Louis L.
Institutional racism in America ... / with an append. by H. Baron
Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) - Prentice-Hall, 1969
Monographic text

Knox, Brian
The architecture of Poland / Brian Knox
New York ; Washington - Praeger, c1971
Monographic text

Knox, John Jay
A history of banking in the United States / by John Knox
New York - A. M. Kelley, 1969
Monographic text

Knox, Robert
The races of men - a fragment / Robert Knox
Miami - Mnemosyne, 1969
Monographic text

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