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The art of Ecstasy - Teresa, Bernini, and Crashaw New York - Atheneum, 1970 Monographic text Peterson, Roger Tory A field guide to Western birds - field marks of all species found in North America west of the 100th meridian with a section on the birds of the Hawaiian Islands / text and illustrations by Roger Tory Peterson Boston - Houghton Mifflin Co., c1969 Monographic text Peterson, Willis L. Principles of economics - micro / Willis L. Peterson Homewood (Ill.) - R. D. Irwin, 1971 Monographic text Peterson, Willis L. Principles of economics- macro / Willis L. Peterson Homewood, Ill. - Richard D. Irwin, 1971 Monographic text Petocz, Ronald G. Biostratigraphy and Lower Permian fasulinidae of the Upper Delta River Area, east-central Alaska Range / Ronald G. Petocz Boulder, Co. - The geological society of America, c1970 It's a part of > Special paper / Geological Society of America Monographic text Petrarca, Francesco (1304-1374) Lord Morley's Tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarcke - the first English translation of the Trionfi / ed. by D. D. Carnicelli Cambridge , Mass. - Harvard University Press, 1971 Monographic text Petrarca, Francesco (1304-1374) Petrarch, the first modern scholar and man of letters - a selection from his correspondance with Boccaccio and other friends, designed to illustrate the beginnings of the Renaissance / transl. from the original Latin, together with historical introductions and notes, by James Harvey Robinson... ; with the collabor. of Henry Winchester Rolfe New York - Greenwood, 1969 Monographic text Petras, James F. Cultivating revolution- the United States and agrarian reform in Latin America / James F. Petras and Robert LaPorte, Jr New York - Random House, c1971 Monographic text Petras, James F. Politics and social forces in Chilean development Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, 1969 Monographic text Petras, James F. Politics and social structure in Latin America / by James Petras New York ; London - MR, c1970 Monographic text Petrasek, Donald W. Stress-rupture and tensile properties of refractory-metal wires at 2000 (degrees) and 2200 (degrees) F (1093 (degrees) and 1204 (degrees) C) / by Donald W. Petrasek and Robert A. Signorelli Washington, D. C. - National aeronautics and space administration, 1969 Monographic text Petrie, Graham The cinema of François Truffaut / Graham Petrie New York - A. S. Barnes & Co. ; London - A. Zwemmer Limited, 1970 Monographic text Petrisic, Anton Le conditionnement des denrees alimentaires et ses materiaux New York - United Nations, 1970 Monographic text Petronius Arbiter Petronius / with an English translation by Michael Heseltine ; revised by E. H. Warmington . Apocolocyntosis / Seneca ; with an English translation by W. H. D. Rouse Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University Press ; London - Heinemann, 1969 Monographic text Petronius Arbiter The Satiricon / Petronius ; annotated edition by Evan T. Sage ; revised and expanded by Brady B. Gilleland New York - Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969 Monographic text |