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Poverty and politics in Harlem - report on Project Uplift 1965 / by Alphonso Pinkney and Roger R. Woock New Haven - College & University Press, ©1970 Monographic text Pinkus, Hermann A guide to dermatohistopathology / Hermann Pinkus, Amir H. Mehregan New York - Appleton Century Crofts, 1969 Monographic text Pinsker, Sanford The Schlemiel as Metaphor - studies in the yiddish and american jewish novel / Sanford Pinsker; with a preface by Harry T. Moore - Carbondale; Edwardsville - Southern Illinois University Press, 1971 Monographic text Pinta, Maurice Detection and determination of trace elements - absorption spectrophotometry, emission spectroscopy, polarography Ann Arbor (Michigan) - Ann Arbor Science, 1971 Monographic text Pintauro, Nicholas Flavour technology Park Ridge - Noyes Data, 1971 Monographic text Pintauro, Nicholas Soluble coffee manufacturing processes / Nicholas Pintauro Park Ridge (New Jersey) - Noyes development corporation, 1969 Monographic text Pintauro, Nicholas Soluble tea production processes / Nicholas Pintauro Park Ridge (New Jersey) - Noyes data corporation, 1970 Monographic text Pinter, Charles C. Set theory / Charles C. Pinter Reading (Mass.) (etc.) - Addison-Wesley, c1971 Monographic text Pinto, John D. The bionomics of blister beetles of the genus Meloe - and a classification of the New World species / (by John D. Pinto and Richard B. Selander Urbana - University of Illinois Press, 1970 Monographic text Piotrovskij, Boris Borisovic The ancient civilization of Urartu / transl. from the Russian by James Hogart New York - Cowles book, 1969 Monographic text Piovesana, Gino K. Contemporary Japanese philosophical thought / by Gino K. Piovesana New York - St. Jhon's university press, 1969 Monographic text Piper, David Geosyncline-Margin Sedimentary Rocks in Silurian of West Connacht, Ireland Tulsa - (s.n.), 1969 Monographic text Pipes, Louis A. Applied mathematics for engineers and physicists / Louis A. Pipes, Lawrence R. Harvill New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill - Kogakusha, c1970 Monographic text Pipes, Louis A. Applied mathematics for engineers and physicists / Louis A. Pipes, Lawrence R. Harvill New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c1970 Monographic text Pipes, Louis A. Matrix-computer methods in engineering / Louis A. Pipes, Shahen A. Hovanessian New York (etc.) - J. Wiley, c1969 Monographic text |